Text Dump #2

Jun 06, 2009 18:29

 Pilot: "Specs"
Real name: Max McFocx
An inventor, drawn into the Robot Wars through a flux accident/dimensional rift.
He's a bit confused in his new surroundings, and is often confusing to his
allies. He's a bespeckled human, his long black hair always in a ponytail.
He's often accompanied by a strange fox-like creature, known as Foxbite, who
Specs calls his "familliar". He also happens to be a huge fan of giant robots, often
trying to push "upgrades" and "improvements" on other people's robots.

SP: 245.

Skills: *Expert, *SP Regenerate, *Lucky(Max lvl8), --------, --------, ---------
Spells: Daunt 15, Valor 40, Accel 5, Guts 40, Love 60, Zeal 40.
Dodge quotes: "Oh, I'm gonna diiiiiieee...you missed?" "My biggest strength is unpredictablity!' "Lucky!" "Getting hit is counterproductive, you know."
Weak hit: "Fate is on my side." "Useless useless USELESS!" "The best defense is a good defense."
Hit Quotes: "Gah! Hold together, Biomachin..." "You can't hit m-nevermind..." "Pain, thy name is Specs!" "Fate is unpredictable.."
70% damage: "This is getting bad..." "I still have a chance!" "Why does everyone always pick on me?" "Heavy damage is heaaaaavy."
Death Quotes: "'Puuchuu..' 'Eject? What do you mean ej-uwaaaah!'" "...Oh, that can't be good.." "Hey, wait, wha? I'm going down?" "And Fate screws me over in the end, I see.."

Modified Gespenst Mk II frame-Power source: Pepper Drive(?)

A Scarlet mech suit, with large foxlike "ears" that double as radar.
Has a beastlike look to it, with the left arm sporting clawed fingers.
The Right arm is much larger, set with plasma stakes for added power.
The Right arm can also transform into a beam saber, or other projectiles
recently used by allies. "Corrosion Cannon" sprays from a wide hole in the torso.
There is a spot on the back of the mech for a single gun slave,
usually piloted manually by the pilot's familliar. Has 3 equip slots,

Type: Lnd/Spc (water ONLY if equipped with a water jet.)
Movement: 6 spaces.
Evade boost: +125
HP: 4000-8000
EN: 200-400
MO: 95-135
AR: 1000-2100

Custom weapons:

Corrosion Cannon:
Range: 1-3, 1-5 AND 3x3 Map Attack in Space, 1-1 in water.
Damage: 1100-4400 fully upgraded.
Added effect: Lowers opponents Energy and Armor. Effect gone in water.
 Requirements to shoot: Limited Ammo: 6 shots.
 Ranged attack, Gas.
    Desc: Pilot cut-in, fires a purplish mist from the chest.
    Quote: "I'll melt away your hopes, dreams, AND your mech! Certain Kill: Corrosion Cannon!"
    "Your defenses are useless! Biomachin, Mist Fiyah!"

Fox Familliar:   
Range: 2-7
 Damage: 1800-4100 fully upgraded.
 Requirements: Limited Ammo: 8 shots.
Ranged Attack, Remote
Desc: Mech reaches behind head, pulls out the familliar, pitches it like abaseball. Head charges up beam in midflight, then fires it off seconds before collision.  Biomachin catches the familliar as it flies back from recoil.  
 Quote: "It's your show now, Foxbite!" "Puuchuu!" "Now, use your Omega Beam!" "Chuu...CHUUUUUU!" "It's Super Effective!!!"
 "Here's the windup...and the pitch!" "This attack is powered by cuteness!" "Puuchuu..." "Foxbite, teach them to RESPECT TEH BEEM!!1"

Crimson Fist@:   
Range: 1-2
 Damage: 3100-6000 fully upgraded.
 Requirements: 110 Will. Unlimited.
 Melee attack, Physical, Combo-able.
Desc: The clawed left hand projects a red plasma field. Mech suit cut-in. The fist is rammed at high speed into the opposing unit, leaving a nice-sized hole. The plasma field is released inside the mech, expanding and exploding.
    Quote: "Shining plasma, integrate!" "Try to stop my FIST if you can!" *punch* "You're finished, you fool!"
    "This hand of mine is burning crimson!" "It's loud roar tells me to avoid lawsuit!" "Machin...PANCH!"

Hot Blood Rendan@:
Range: 1
Damage: 4200-7100 fully upgraded.
Requirements: 130 will, 40 energy
Melee attack, Supreme
Desc: The Right hand's ARM system uppercuts the opponent's unit into the air, then chases after it while morphing into a giant hammer. It slams the opponent in midair with said hammer, than chases once more, the ARM system morphing into a rediculously large drill. The left hand throws the Fox Familliar ahead of it, which fires it's Omega Beam at the incoming foe, pushing it back airbourne, where the Biomachin's Drill-ARM piercesthrough it.
    Quote: "Limiters? Who needs em?" "Shoryuken! ...Not done yet!" "Hammer...Connect! You're up, Foxbite!" "The ending blow! Omega...DRILL...Crash!"
 "Oh man, I'd hate to be my opponent right now..." "Speximus Upper! Now change to H mode and..." "Hammer...IMPACT!  And here's a little present, too!" "You're sure screwed now! Omega Screw breakaa!"
    Dynamic kill: "Hammer, Fist, Drill...your end was both stylish and manly!"

Alpha and Omega:
Range: 2-3
    Damage: 3600-8200 fully upgraded
    Requirements: Limited Ammo: 4 shots, 60 Energy, 130 will.
    Melee attack, Combined (ARM system copy + Omega Buster, XA Omega).
    Desc: A combination attack with Mako's XA Omega unit. Using the ARM system, the Biomachin mimics the Omega's MAP weapon, sandwiching an enemy group between the two blasts with a Cosmo Nova-like effect.
    Quote: "Hey, Mako! Wanna team up on this one?" "...sure, why not. I'm beginning the charge now." "Roger! ARM sys in effect! Chargin mah layzor!" "You do know it's not a laser, right?" "Charge complete! Let's Shoop da whoop!"
    Dynamic Kill: "This is..." "...Overkill, isn't it?"

ARM system Copy: 
Range: Varies
    Damage: Varies
    Requirements: 15 shots, can only be used as a counterattack. Varying energy cost.
    Desc: Copies the foe's attack and hurls it back at them. If the attack requires energy, it uses it up in addition to an ammo round. Incompatable with certain mecha-specific attacks.
    Quote: "Nice attack. I think I'll take it."
    "Now, to add insult with injury..."
    Support Quote: "Oooh, me too, me too!"
       "That looked fun! Lemmie try!"

Alt-fire cannon: 
Range: Varies with "ammo"
    Damage: Varies with "ammo"
    Requirements: Something that can be loaded and shot. This can be anything smaller than the cannon itself.
    Ranged attack, ?????
    Desc: Can be used to fire repair kits, SP drinks, and the like at allied units, bestowing the effect immediately.
    Quote: "Catch!"

Ally Shot@MAP:   
Map attack, with a unique function. Must be next to an Ally unit to use.
    Range: 1, Target must be an ally unit.
    Damage: 1800-2600 fully upgraded.
    Requirements: 120 Will, 10 Energy.
    MAP attack, Melee, Physical
    Desc:The attack "pushes" the Ally unit 5 spaces in a straight line, doing 10 damage to it.
             If the fired mech collides with an enemy unit, it deals 1800-2600(upgraded) damage to
    the enemy, provided they don't dodge. The ally unit then stops next to the enemy.
    The ally unit continues moving if the collision is dodged and has more spaces to move.
    Quote: "Get out there and fight!"
    "Don't worry pal, I'm right behind you!"

Transform: BioFox
Can Transform into the Biofox for faster movement and higher evasion rate. While in Biofox Form,
can only use Corrosion cannon and Fox Familliar. In addition, Fox Familliar's range isreduced to 1-3, but is usable after moving. Resembles a Zoid or Machine Beast. Movement increases to 8 spaces, Evade +35

Crimson Claw@:   
Range: 1
  Damage: 3100-6000 fully upgraded.
  Requirements: 110 Will. Unlimited.
  Melee attack, Physical, Combo-able.
  Desc: The left claw projects a red plasma field. Mech suit cut-in. The claw is slashed at high speed into the opposing unit, leaving a nice-sized hole. The plasma field is released inside the mech, expanding and exploding.
    Quote: "Just 'cuz it's a Fox doesn't mean it can't HOOOOWL!" "Let's go, Machin! Strike Plasma Claw!" "Plasma, detonate! That was a BLAST!"
"Consider your armor pierced already!" "Try to stop my CLAW if you can!" "...OK, that sucked. But explode for me, aite?"


Modified Guarlion Frame-Power Source:Spiral Getter G-Drive(?!)

An angular mech, painted in the red, white, and blues of the previous Biomachin.
Limbs have been lengthened and strengthened for enhanced hand-to-hand combat,
while the armor has been thinned to provide maximum maneuverability. Boosters have
been tweaked to produce a unique breaker field. Th Type-F's right arm has been fitted
in place of the usual Guarlion arm, and there's an exhaust "tail" added to the mech.
A corrosion cannon has been added to the chest, as well. Now imagine what this baby
would be like with some Einst in it...

Type: Air/Lnd/Spc
Movement: 6 spaces.
Evade boost: +125
HP: 4200-6500
EN: 120-360
MO: 110-150
AR: 1400-2100

Custom Weapons:

Crimson Blitz@:  
Range: 1
 Damage: 2500-4800 fully upgraded.
 Requirements: Unlimited.
Melee attack, Physical, Combo-able.
Desc: Both arms glow with red plasma, and the Biomachin rushes in with rapid punches.
    Quote: "I'mma beat ya to a pulp!" "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAAAAH!"
     "Heh, the gloves are off, now!" "WachchachachachaChacha...ACHOOO!"
    Chain: "That's right, everyone in a line now." "End of the line? Here's something special!"

Corrosion Cannon:
Range: 1-3, 1-5 AND 3x3 Map Attack in Space, 1-1 in water.
    Damage: 1100-4400 fully upgraded.
    Added effect: Lowers opponents Energy and Armor. Effect gone in water.
     Requirements to shoot: Limited Ammo: 6 shots.
    Ranged attack, Gas.
    Desc: Pilot cut-in, fires a purplish mist from the chest.
    Quote: "I'll melt away your hopes, dreams, AND your mech! Certain Kill: Corrosion Cannon!"
    "Your defenses are useless! Biomachin, Mist Fiyah!"

Ein Serg Al@:   
Range: 1-3
    Damage: 3000-5200 fully upgraded
    Requirements: 110 will, 30 energy
    Melee attack, physical.
    Desc: Mech cut in. Deploys a red breaker field, and charges into the enemy. Because everyone knows that Red is 10x faster.
    Quote: "Tetramys...Grammaton..." "Ein...Serg...Al!"
    "Sure, it's just a Sonic Breaker..." "But it still hurts like hell!"

Kyoukaku! Super:  Range: 1-2
Machin Inazuma :  Damage: 3500-6000
Kick!@                  :  Requirements: 120 will, 40 energy
    Desc: The Machin does a flip, then flies up into space. Even if it's already in space. Its legs glow red, then crackle with electricity. The mech begins itsdownward descent into the atmosphere, cueing a pilot cut-in.  The kick connects with the enemy, freeze framing and displaying the attack name in Kanji symbols.
DYNAMIC KILL: A huge cratered explosion, and the Biomachin jumps out, DaiRaiOh style.
    Quote: "I'll show you the technique inherited from the Gespenst!" "Kyoukaku...SUPER...MACHIN...INAZUMAAAAA....KIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!!!one"
    "Time for fun! Ultimate attaaaaaack!" "Haaaahahahahahaha! Machin....KIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!"
    DYNAMIC: "Who the hell do you think I am, after all?!"

Sergal Ougi!:   Range: 1
Ichigo no   :   Damage: 4200-6900
Rendan!     :   Requirements: 140 will, 75 energy
                Desc: The Machin traps a foe INSIDE its breaker field, then proceeds to beat the everloving crap out of them. Combos bounce the foe off the inside of the breaker field, and end with a shoryuken that breaks the field to pieces.  (See: Solivus Rex Regret Buster, first half before mecha beam)
DYNAMIC KILL: Enemy flies off into the distance as a star, Machin peers off into the distance at it, sunset. Even in space.
    Quote: "Biomachin, Overdrive!" "Tiger Knuckles!"  Turtle combo!" "Phoenix Kick!" "Sky...Dragon...fist!"
    "You're too close! Game is over!" "OraOraOraOraOraaah!" "MadahMadahMadahMadahMadah!" "Wolf...Fang Fist, Awoooo!" "Hrm...SHIN! SHO-RYU-KEN!"
    DYNAMIC: Oops, looks like they became light. *chuckle*

Great A.R.M.:    
Range: Varies
    Damage: Varies
    Requirements: 15 shots, can only be used as a counterattack. Varying energy cost.
    Desc: Copies the foe's attack and hurls it back at them. If the attack requires energy, it uses it up in addition to an ammo round. Incompatable with certain mecha-specific attacks.
    Quote: "Nice attack. I think I'll take it."
    "Now, to add insult with injury..."
    Support: "Oooh, me too, me too!"
      "That looked fun! Lemmie try!"

A.R.M. + 1 :  
Range: 1-3
    Damage: Varies
    Requirements: 15 shots (shares with Great A.R.M), 120 will, variable energy cost.
    Desc: A team attack with ANY MECHA EVER. A.R.M. copies the teammate's attack, and lays a double dose of pain upon the foe. Incompatable with certain mecha-specific attacks.
    Quote: [insert the original attack's pilot text here, sub I's for we's and the like]

Alt-fire cannon: 
Range: Varies with "ammo"
    Damage: Varies with "ammo"
    Requirements: Something that can be loaded and shot. This can be anything smaller than the cannon itself.
    Ranged attack, ?????
    Desc: Can be used to fire repair kits, SP drinks, and the like at allied units, bestowing the effect immediately.
    Quote: "Catch!"

Ally Shot@MAP:   
Map attack, with a unique function. Must be next to an Ally unit to use.
    Range: 1, Target must be an ally unit.
    Damage: 1800-2600 fully upgraded.
    Requirements: 120 Will, 10 Energy.
    MAP attack, Melee, Physical
    Desc:The attack "pushes" the Ally unit 5 spaces in a straight line, doing 10 damage to it.
 If the fired mech collides with an enemy unit, it deals 1800-2600(upgraded) damage to
 the enemy, provided they don't dodge. The ally unit then stops next to the enemy.
    The ally unit continues moving if the collision is dodged and has more spaces to move.
    Quote: "Get out there and fight!"
    "Don't worry pal, I'm right behind you!"


Captain: Rakkz T. Nooki
An antrhopomorphic raccoon with hammerspacial abilities. Drawn into the Robot wars along with his squad, Team "Star Wolf" (Led by Wolf O'Donnel). Believes that brute force can solve everything, and constantly rambles on about what "real men" do, despite looking more effeminate than most women. Never too far apart from his helmsman and XO. The Tabula Rasa is his ship, he says, though in reality, he just found it. He tends to give every weapon his ship has a rediculously long name, but keeps a straight face while saying them all. He also has a tendancy to switch between English and Japanese while doing so, dispite not having a good grasp of the full Japanese language.

MAX SP: 200
Skills: Gain, Focus, Guts, Snipe, Trust, Fury
Pilot Abil: Command, Off. Support, Def. Support, ------, ------, ------
Helmsman: Ultra Intergalactic Cybot-B Spike Cosmos
A normally level-headed (so to speak) android with spiky hair and a pension for shaking things. Able to enter "hot-blood mode" to add a little flash to his existance, and has a powerful grip/punch. He's never too far from Rakkz. In textual terms, he always talks in CAPS.
In charge of steering the Tabula Rasa. He tends to think that machines are superior to fleshy lifeforms, but respects  the value of life.

MAX SP: 160
Skills: Strike, Valor, Accel, Vigor, Assail, Drive 
Pilot Abil: In-Fight, ------, ------, ------, ------, ------
XO: SlyGuy
A mysterious being enshrouded in a red cloak and japanese-style fox mask. Raw energy seems to billow out from underneath his cloak in a tail-like fashion, this gets larger when he exerts power. Has many unknowns, and seemingly limitless control of rifts, fluxes, portals, and energy. He has no real body, but tends to manifest paw-like hands and feet when idle.
In charge of swapping in the Variable Warheads, SideArms, and Gadgets on the
Tabula Rasa. He speaks little, but says much.

MAX SP: 250
Skills: Guard, Bless, Mercy, Prayer, Rouse, Hope
Pilot Abil: SP Regenerate, ------, ------, ------, ------, ------


A large, red-colored navy-warship looking battleship, with a crane arm underneath, a flat bow, and jets on the stern. (Inspired from the "Sirius" battleship from Gotcha Force) 
Has two large square vertical "wings" with AA guns on them, and no less than fourteen "dimensional anchors" for swapping in parts. (5 on the bow, 4 on each wing, one on the arm). Able to swap in different bows (Warheads) to suit the situation, as well as swapping in various weapons on each wing (SideArms) and the arm (Gadgets). Ever-changing, there was never a more suited mothership to boast the term "variable"! Note: If any weapons are equipped on the Tabula rasa, the attack animation will show the lower arm holding the weapon. Also, for those curious, the phrase "tabula rasa" means "clean slate" in latin.
The Tabula Rasa has two additional modes: an upright "B.O.S.S mode" attaches remote hands to the the wings, and a wolf's head to the bow, making a mini-andross; and "Crusher mode", a smaller version of Genesic GaoGaiGar's Goldion Crusher, used mainly by Rakkz in "hand to hand" combat for extreme overkill. Neither will be seen in actual mecha combat.

Repair: 25000
Weapon Space: 60
Move: 5
HP: 15000-19200
EN: 200-330
Mobility: 65-83
Armor: 1300-1950
Skill: E-Field, Missile Jammer
Air:A Gnd:A Wtr:A Spc:A


Tactical Anti-     : Range: 1-6 +70 to hit
Assault Hyper   : Damage: 2100 (non upgradable)
Flashbang         : Added effect: Hit down
Flare Launcher : Ammo: 2
                               Ranged Attack, Special
  Desc: Your basic Chaff Grenade. Blinds the foe's sensors with a flashbang,deals minimal damage.

Double-Flanked: Range: 1-2@ +30 to hit
Anti-Air                 : Damage: 2000-3200
Autocannon        : Ammo: 30
Launchers          : Ranged Attack, Bullet
  Desc: The AA cannons on each wing spray a barrage of bullets in every direction.

Dynamic        : Range: 1@ +10 to hit, combo hit
Drilling           : Damage: 2400-3600
Variable         : Energy use: 5; will 110
Warhead,      : Melee attack, Physical
Giga Bit!         : Desc: A giant drill is warped in and fitted onto the bow, which is then used to charge the enemy, Kurogane style.

Extreme Impact   : Range: 1-4 +40 to hit
Variable                 : Damage: 2600-3800
Warhead, Rasa   : Ammo: 12
Tabula Rocket      : Melee attack, Physical
PAWNCH!!            : Desc: Literally, "slate-cleaning Rocket Punch", a giant fist with a toothy smily face on it is warped in and fitted on the bow, then fired at the enemy.

DeLoco Zippo-   : Range: 1-3, + 60 to hit, squad hit
Lysol Flame-      : Damage: 2700-3800
thrower Gadget  : Ammo: 5
Multitool!              : Range attack, supreme (Unusable underwater)
  Desc: The arm pulls out what can only be described as a giant spraycan. A large gout of flame is sprayed from the nozzle.

Remote Mine   : Range: 1-5, + 50 to hit
Bit Ougi:            : Damage: 2800-3950
Hellzone           : Ammo: 4
Grenade           : Range attack, remote
  Desc: A bunch of remote-controlled explosives encircle the enemy from every direction. A single missile is fired at the mines, setting off a chain-reaction of explosions. Possible MAP attack.

Variable         : Range: 2-7 +15 to hit
Sidearm,        : Damage: 3200-4200
Powered        : Ammo: 6
Septuple        : Range attack, Bullet
Rectangular  : Desc: A small batallion of rectangular launchers are warped in and fitted on
Launchers!    : the wings. The ship recoils backwards as all fourteen simoutaniously fire. The shots converge directly on the foe, making a magnificent explosion. This is the Rasa's Sub guns.

Multi-firing       : Range: 2-6 +35 to hit, squad hit
Rapid-shot     : Damage: 2900-4000
Variable          : Energy use: 20
Warhead,       : Range attack, beam
Great Gatling!: Desc: A multi-barreled beam cannon is warped in, and fires 12 shots from barrels surrounding a larger, central cannon. The main cannon then charges up and fires a large beam of energy. This is the Rasa's Impact Cannons.

Best Electron : Range: 1-5 +5 to hit
Variable          : Damage: 3000-4400
Warhead,       : Energy use: 30
Giga Spark    : Range attack, Supreme
Cannon!         : Desc: A large tesla coil is warped in and fitted on the bow, before shooting a focused beam of plasma at the foe. The Coil bears a resembalence to the Tronium cannon fitted on the Hagane.

Mecha-                 : Range: 1-3 + 25 to hit
Decapatating      : Damage: 3300-4900
Dual Scorpion    : Energy 15, ammo 3, will 115
Scythe SideArm :  Melee attack, physical
Infinity!                 : Desc: Large cold metal blades are warped in and fitted on the wings. The ship's engines power up, before rushing the enemy at high speed. A warp opens up both behind the foe and in front of them, and as the ship skims by the enemy, it enters the rear warp. The ship reappears from the front warp and repeats its drive-by multiple times with the blades, slicing them each time. The strongest sidearm-based attack.

Kankantou!    : Range: 1@, + 40 to hit
                           Damage: 3600-5200
                           Will 130
                           Melee Attack, Supreme
  Desc: Literally, "ship-cleaving ship". A rediculously large bowblade is warped in and used to cleave the enemy in twain, usually accompanied with a loud roar of "CHESUTOOOOOO!" from the captain. The ship spins around after impact, before ascending high above the foe with sidearm mounted thrusters. The thrusters spin around, as the ship rapidly descents upon the foe with the edge of the bowblade.

Unlimited Gun : Range: 2-6, +65 to hit
Works!               : Damage: 4200-6500
                             Will 140, ammo 1
                             Range attack, Supreme
  Desc: Simoutaniously warps in a warhead covered in various cannons, sidearms covered in more cannons, and a gadget covered in even more cannons that circle the ship. In addition, all the gunports on the ship open at once. After a short speech (and a gravity anchor), all the guns simoutaniously fire, dealing MASSIVE DAMAGE. As an afterthought, the ship flies after the remaining foe with a hammerhead gadget and knocks the foe into the air with it, followed by a second volley of shots.

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