Title: Snakes that Rattle
sailorhathorFandom: Original
Track Listing:
1. Iron Maiden "Flight of Icarus"
2. Charlotte Church "Requiem (Pie Jesu)"
3. Limp Bizkit "Break Stuff"
4. Extreme "Hole-Hearted"
5. Babes in Toyland "Bruise Violet"
6. Poe "Angry Johnny"
7. Hole "Violet"
8. Queensryche "Gonna Get Close to You"
9. Pantera "Cemetery Gates"
10. Garth Brooks "The Dance"
Part 1 ||
Part 2 Rejoin with HJSplit or rejoining program of your choice. Unpack with WinZip or WinRAR.
All songs in one zip file -- 38mbs
Snakes that Rattle -- Written by
kittydesade Notes: This is supposed to be a mix about grief. Quite a few of the songs concentrate on the anger stage, and one song seems to be about stalking - stalking those who are responsible for a death, or maybe it's Death stalking us. And finally, acceptance.
If this was a mix for "Supernatural," it could make a good Dean/Castiel mix after Cas and the Leviathans. There is another character from SPN that I specifically had in mind when I created the mix whom I want to write a fic about one of these days. :)