Title: Five Things Daniel Was Passionate About During Window of Opportunity
Author: speedy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If I owned Stargate, Daniel and Sheppard would never have clothes on.
Notes: Originally posted in response to a prompt at
1. Baseball
Melburn Jackson had grown up as a die hard Yankees fan and he made sure his son was, too. One of Daniel's most treasured memories was of father and son going to a game when they first arrived in New York for that fateful exhibit.
It was in August that they were scheduled to go to P4X-639. One of the Marines had made the mistake of insulting the Yankees in the commissary, within Daniel's earshot. Unfortunately for Jack and Sam, said Marine was leaving and unable to hear Daniel's fervent and forceful defense of his team's chances at going to the World Series.
Had Jack been listening, he might've actually been interested. In the four years SG-1 had been together, Daniel had never shown much passion for sports. Jack would've liked to know that Daniel was actually a big baseball fan, even if it wasn't his own favorite sport. He had easy access to Rockies tickets.
2. Politics
2000 was an election year and politics dominated conversions in the latter half of the year, everyone speculating what effect the presidential election would have on the SGC. It was a subject often brought up between SG-1's two scientists. Daniel had definite opinions on both candidates and was expressing that opinion regarding the state of education in Texas under Bush and Bush's own academic qualifications.
Although Sam was moderate, Daniel was very liberal and Jack was fairly conservative. It was probably for the best that Jack wasn't listening. There was already enough tension between them.
3. The Tok'ra
No one knows quite how the conversation turned to the subject of the Tok'ra and SG-1's experiences with them over the last few months, but Sam made the mistake of defending Anise and Freya. Daniel snapped and let loose a string of insults that would've made Jack proud, had he actually been paying any attention.
4. Commissary Food
Daniel had bacon nearly every morning when they met in the commissary for breakfast, regardless of what else he choose to have, and he never failed to have a complaint about improperly cooked bacon as he ate it. Jack usually snarked at him about getting bacon he knew he wasn't going to like and the state of commissary food in general. Sometimes Jack would disappear and return with the worst of the MREs, which never failed to shut Daniel up. Bad bacon was better than chicken that tasted like gasoline-soaked cardboard any day.
That particular morning, Jack saw the bacon and just wasn't in the mood to listen to the inevitable gripes.
5. Classification
All three had issues with being division heads and on a field unit. They could gripe to the others about paperwork and receive a little sympathy in response. However, Jack didn't have to deal with recruitment. Hammond had taken SG-1 out of offworld rotation for a couple weeks after the zartarc incident, which coincided with the Anthropology and Science divisions receiving permission to hire new personnel.
Recruitment almost always equaled headaches for both Sam and Daniel. Too many of Sam's chosen scientists decided they liked publishing too much to leave it behind, even for a large military budget. The biological scientists liked being in the field too much and never seemed to get to the point where Sam could tell them they'd be doing more fieldwork they'd ever want. Daniel on the other hand, had to deal with doors being figuratively slammed in his face the second he identified himself. If he was lucky, that was. If he wasn't, he'd get to hear insulting lectures on how wrong his theory about the Pyramids was (it so wasn't) before being laughed at for working for the military. He'd started asking some of the others in the department to make calls for him, but as Robert Rothman had just informed him, it wasn't working. The archaeology/anthropology community was small; the word had gotten around that if the Air Force came calling, it was for Dr. Daniel Jackson, the kook that believed in aliens.
When Daniel started railing on the classification of the program and the talent they were losing out on because of it, Sam's protests rang false. She mostly agreed with him and looked to her commanding officer to defend the military's position, as usual.
Jack was focused on his Fruit Loops instead.