notaluchador [DC]
JAIME CAN CHARGE HIS GAMEBOY BATTERIES HOW COOL IS THAT?! Also he's got a really neat superhero ID! Bart couldn't ask for anything else, really. Oh, also, he's a pretty cool guy in general.
crazy4pwr [Heroes]
Sylar has earned a special place in Bart's heart. He not only sent him into a spiral of depression after Bart thought he'd killed him, but hurt Nightwing and Rogue, and made Robin upset after Robin had to kill him too. He's one of the few people Bart would attack on sight, without question. He figures he's done enough to earn it. There was a weird dichotomy for a while of hating him and yet being glad to find he was alive again, but that faded pretty fast into just plain hate (or at least as close to hate as Bart is capable of).
hellsbrew [Ace Attorney]
Godot really confused him at first, and still does, but Bart likes him anyway. They got off to a rocky start, with Godot reminding Bart of having killed Sylar (intentionally or not), but it was pretty quickly forgotten. He doesn't seem exactly ill-intentioned as much as just... sad. Plus, he had a cool Pokemon during the month of them.
fairy_skies [Dreams Underfoot]
Jilly is Bart's surrogate mother. He knew he liked her from the moment she offered to teach him to draw, and he's only gotten more and more fond of her since then. As it is now he's both protective of her (especially while Dick was in jail) and loves her as a mother-figure, and would do a whole lot for her. Even clean his room! Maybe. Well, eventually.
elementfourplay [Fairy Tail]
Bart really likes Lluvia. He's thankful to her for cheering him up when he was feeling depressed, without asking why he was feeling down. Now that he's doing better again he's glad just to talk to her, and likes how simply idealistic she is. She's a lot like himself, even if he doesn't recognize that as the reason for liking her.
knightprodigy [DC]
If Jilly has turned into Bart's surrogate mother, Dick is his surrogate father (also big brother and mentor figure, all in one!). He's come to take the place of Max -- a younger, less grumpy Max, at least. He looks up to him more than anyone else in Rivelata, and that Dick took the responsibility of having killed Sylar has pretty much earned him undying loyalty. He'll listen to anything Dick says, no matter how little he might think of the order at the time.
bratwonder [DC Animated]
You need a surrogate sibling in every surrogate family. Tim fills this roll for Bart -- he's managed to climb even higher in Bart's affections than he was at home (alternate version or not). Bart senses that there's a lot Tim holds back from him, and while this makes him a little sad, he's come to accept it. The Bat Family is a mysterious bunch, after all -- it's in the job description. He can and will tell Tim anything, even if he knows he won't get the same in return. He's glad just to be his friend.
mississippikiss [Marvel]
Although he doesn't know Rogue too well, he knows enough to know he likes her. He likes how straightforward she is, even if he doesn't always agree with her. And that she helped take down Sylar with Robin earned her a 'trusted companion' in his little mental labels.
eatshootsnleves [DC]
He's only talked to Roy a few times, but he gets the same sort of feeling from Roy as he does Godot. The older male figure that he can look up to, maybe ask advice from if he needs to, who will probably be around forever because that's what older male figures are supposed to do. Although he didn't outright confide in him when he thought he'd killed someone, support of a sort was still offered, and Bart's not likely to forget that.
sugarpinkbby [Sailor Moon]
If Bart were capable of having any sort of interest in girls, he'd probably have some in Sailor Chibimoon. She's brave, as proven during the nightmare event, and a superhero (sort of). And if that weren't enough, as Chibiusa she's also friendly and fun to talk to. The perfect friend who happens to be a girl!
[Code thanks to
thegamehiker, with a little tweaking!]