Unexpected awesome: Poison cover Justin Timberlake's "SexyBack". Watch the fan-created music video starring some freak-nasty stuffed animal ack-shee-oh-nay. NSFW.
What does "is a Right to Hire position" mean? Seriously, I don't know what right to hire means. And what would you consider decent 10 key and alpha-numeric data entry speeds to be? I've been trying to wrangle an office/clerical position because they tend to pay decently, but it's a pain in the ass because I don't know exactly what they expect of me
I've gone to four different places in the past 24 hours to put in applications. I hope to hear from at least one of them by Monday. Until then, I live in suspense. Painful, exquisite suspense. ( Read more... )
ImageReady is working again! Huzzah! I can make animated .gifs again. I don't khow why it was being such as ass before, but it seems to have gone back to normal.
Could someone out there be good enough to leave me a comment? Everything seems to be acting goofy as hell today, including LJ and my e-mail. Thank ya. Kisses and whatnot.