Here's a conversation my little sister and I had on 12/29/03 and 12/30/03. lol.
rainwater0395 (7:19:29 PM): HIIIIIIIIIII!
serendipity 0 74 (7:19:40 PM): hello
rainwater0395 (7:19:52 PM): can you do me a favor?
serendipity 0 74 (7:20:05 PM): no
serendipity 0 74 (7:20:07 PM): psh
rainwater0395 (7:20:09 PM): :-P
rainwater0395 (7:20:11 PM): please?
rainwater0395 (7:20:35 PM): tell mom the Battle of the Bands is January 19th-21st, okay?
serendipity 0 74 (7:20:44 PM): she's at work
rainwater0395 (7:20:48 PM): grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
rainwater0395 (7:20:51 PM): fine then. :-P
rainwater0395 (7:20:59 PM): can you tell her tomorrow morning?
serendipity 0 74 (7:21:05 PM): why can't you tell her?
rainwater0395 (7:21:16 PM): because I probably won't be back until late tomorrow
serendipity 0 74 (7:21:21 PM): so?
rainwater0395 (7:21:28 PM): I'll probably forget before then
serendipity 0 74 (7:21:34 PM): so will I
rainwater0395 (7:21:38 PM): :-P
rainwater0395 (7:21:40 PM): meaniebutt
serendipity 0 74 (7:22:18 PM): psh
serendipity 0 74 (7:22:23 PM): Chad's the meaniebutt
serendipity 0 74 (7:22:29 PM): >:o
rainwater0395 (7:22:40 PM): why is Chad the meaniebutt?
serendipity 0 74 (7:23:04 PM): because we were supposed to see Paycheck today, but he went to his cousin's house instead
serendipity 0 74 (7:23:13 PM): fuckin a
rainwater0395 (7:23:25 PM): that sucks
rainwater0395 (7:23:33 PM): did he even tell you before hand?
serendipity 0 74 (7:23:38 PM): nope
rainwater0395 (7:23:42 PM): oooooooooooooo
serendipity 0 74 (7:23:43 PM): see? he's a butt
rainwater0395 (7:23:51 PM): why are all your boyfriends like that? lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:23:58 PM): I don't know
serendipity 0 74 (7:23:59 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:24:07 PM): I guess I attract butts
serendipity 0 74 (7:24:08 PM): :-D
rainwater0395 (7:24:15 PM): shhhhhhhhhhhhh
rainwater0395 (7:24:38 PM): my shoes were in the dryer and it stopped thumping... I think they're going to attack me... *hides behind computer chair*
serendipity 0 74 (7:24:51 PM): o.0
rainwater0395 (7:25:03 PM): o.-
rainwater0395 (7:25:09 PM): invisible
serendipity 0 74 (7:25:11 PM): stand on your head so they can't get to your feet
rainwater0395 (7:25:24 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:25:37 PM): are you going to go to the battle of the bands this year?
serendipity 0 74 (7:25:49 PM): I don't know
serendipity 0 74 (7:25:51 PM): probably not
rainwater0395 (7:26:02 PM): I'm going to go if I can get a friend to go with me
serendipity 0 74 (7:26:11 PM): psh
serendipity 0 74 (7:26:18 PM): I just want to go to the freakin movies
rainwater0395 (7:26:19 PM): aw
rainwater0395 (7:26:21 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:26:24 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:26:28 PM): that sucks
serendipity 0 74 (7:26:40 PM): you should call him and tell him he's a butt
rainwater0395 (7:26:45 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:26:47 PM): why don't you
serendipity 0 74 (7:26:56 PM): because I don't know his cousin's #
rainwater0395 (7:27:17 PM): well, how the hell should I know it then?
serendipity 0 74 (7:27:23 PM): I don't know
rainwater0395 (7:27:28 PM): :-P
serendipity 0 74 (7:27:31 PM): ask your shoes
rainwater0395 (7:27:54 PM): AH! THEY STOPPED THUMPING AGAIN!
serendipity 0 74 (7:28:04 PM): quick! stand on your head!
serendipity 0 74 (7:28:10 PM): O.O
rainwater0395 (7:28:39 PM): *stands on head* noe I cent sei whet I'n typeg
serendipity 0 74 (7:28:48 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:29:03 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:29:29 PM): *changes buddy icon*
rainwater0395 (7:29:37 PM): LOL
rainwater0395 (7:29:39 PM): that is so you
serendipity 0 74 (7:29:44 PM): :-D
rainwater0395 (7:30:07 PM): do you like mine? ~.-
serendipity 0 74 (7:30:25 PM): not as much as I like mine
serendipity 0 74 (7:30:28 PM): 8-)
rainwater0395 (7:30:29 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:30:34 PM): 8-)
serendipity 0 74 (7:30:43 PM): 8-)
rainwater0395 (7:30:52 PM): 8-)
rainwater0395 (7:30:56 PM): 8-)
serendipity 0 74 (7:30:59 PM): 8-)
rainwater0395 (7:31:02 PM): he has eyebrows
serendipity 0 74 (7:31:02 PM): booya
rainwater0395 (7:31:03 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:31:05 PM): I never noticed
serendipity 0 74 (7:31:10 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:31:13 PM): neither did I
rainwater0395 (7:31:22 PM): AH! BIG TEXT!
serendipity 0 74 (7:31:24 PM): omg, this font is flippin huge
rainwater0395 (7:31:34 PM): no shit
serendipity 0 74 (7:31:34 PM): like, omfg
serendipity 0 74 (7:31:41 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:31:49 PM): GAH! *hides*
serendipity 0 74 (7:32:19 PM): :P
rainwater0395 (7:32:30 PM): XD
serendipity 0 74 (7:32:43 PM): not that again...
rainwater0395 (7:33:09 PM): lol what was it called?
serendipity 0 74 (7:33:28 PM): :-X
rainwater0395 (7:33:43 PM): try the one with the foot in the mouth. it's more appropriate
serendipity 0 74 (7:34:01 PM): :-!
serendipity 0 74 (7:34:13 PM): :-!
rainwater0395 (7:34:16 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:34:29 PM): that was funny. the smaller one looks like it has buck teeth
serendipity 0 74 (7:34:37 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:35:26 PM): do you have msn messenger?
rainwater0395 (7:35:36 PM): nope
serendipity 0 74 (7:35:47 PM): you suck
rainwater0395 (7:35:58 PM): no, heather's dad sucks
serendipity 0 74 (7:36:20 PM): =-O
serendipity 0 74 (7:36:23 PM): is he gay?
rainwater0395 (7:36:26 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:36:30 PM): I dunno. let me ask
serendipity 0 74 (7:36:34 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:36:44 PM): he says no, but I think he's in denial
serendipity 0 74 (7:36:50 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:36:56 PM): is he bi?
rainwater0395 (7:37:24 PM): he's not giving me a straight answer, so I guess so lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:37:31 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:37:37 PM): that would explain the sucking part
rainwater0395 (7:37:45 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:37:54 PM): :-X
serendipity 0 74 (7:41:11 PM): blah
rainwater0395 (7:41:20 PM): blah
rainwater0395 (7:41:24 PM): did you get my text message?
serendipity 0 74 (7:42:44 PM): *blink*
serendipity 0 74 (7:43:00 PM): my cell is way far away
rainwater0395 (7:43:03 PM): I'll take that as a no
rainwater0395 (7:43:08 PM): :-P
serendipity 0 74 (7:43:10 PM): :-P
serendipity 0 74 (7:43:29 PM): your smilies all have bug eyes
rainwater0395 (7:43:46 PM): so? it's not my fault
serendipity 0 74 (7:43:52 PM): is too
rainwater0395 (7:43:57 PM): is not
serendipity 0 74 (7:44:09 PM): is too
rainwater0395 (7:44:16 PM): is not
serendipity 0 74 (7:44:21 PM): I want to scare Father Time into next week
rainwater0395 (7:44:27 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:44:30 PM): why?
serendipity 0 74 (7:44:33 PM): that's my msn name
rainwater0395 (7:44:36 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:44:40 PM): quite funny
serendipity 0 74 (7:44:50 PM): I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
rainwater0395 (7:44:58 PM): -.o
serendipity 0 74 (7:45:07 PM): -_-
serendipity 0 74 (7:45:16 PM): (-_-) zzz
serendipity 0 74 (7:45:40 PM): (-_-) zzz
rainwater0395 (7:45:41 PM): (O____)(__O__)(____O) BUNNY DANCE!
serendipity 0 74 (7:45:47 PM): O.O
rainwater0395 (7:45:51 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:45:56 PM): those are some huge bunny butts
rainwater0395 (7:46:02 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:46:04 PM): yuppers
serendipity 0 74 (7:46:10 PM): (_o_)
serendipity 0 74 (7:46:15 PM): baby bunny butt
rainwater0395 (7:46:16 PM): (______________O______________) SUMO BUNNY!
serendipity 0 74 (7:46:28 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:50:06 PM): hehe
serendipity 0 74 (7:50:09 PM): look at my profile
rainwater0395 (7:50:30 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:50:32 PM): looks like fun
serendipity 0 74 (7:51:29 PM): oooo
serendipity 0 74 (7:51:33 PM): now lookie
rainwater0395 (7:51:45 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:51:47 PM): having fun?
serendipity 0 74 (7:51:51 PM): yes
serendipity 0 74 (7:51:52 PM): :-)
rainwater0395 (7:51:57 PM): I didn't notice
serendipity 0 74 (7:52:56 PM): hehe
serendipity 0 74 (7:53:30 PM): I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
will you do me a favor?
Viv . says:
maybe, maybe not lol ask and find out
I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
when Chad gets on im, if he actually does like he said he was going to, call him a meaniebutt
I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
Viv . says:
umm ok lol
I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
I want to scare Father Time into next week says:
serendipity 0 74 (7:53:52 PM): ^_^
rainwater0395 (7:54:03 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:54:05 PM): weirdo
serendipity 0 74 (7:54:08 PM): hehe
rainwater0395 (7:54:50 PM): I'm wearing cool shoes!
rainwater0395 (7:54:53 PM): ^-^
serendipity 0 74 (7:55:04 PM): I'm wearing toe socks
serendipity 0 74 (7:55:07 PM): ^_^
rainwater0395 (7:55:19 PM): I'm wearing orange and black checkered shoes
serendipity 0 74 (7:55:24 PM): Kim & Buddy's computer sounds like a train
rainwater0395 (7:55:32 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:55:33 PM): choooo! chooo!
rainwater0395 (7:56:53 PM): chugga?
serendipity 0 74 (7:57:15 PM): nope, just choooo! choooo! chooooooooo!
rainwater0395 (7:57:23 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (7:58:05 PM): Kimmy's on msn
rainwater0395 (7:58:14 PM): HI KIMMY!
serendipity 0 74 (7:58:19 PM): I should tell her that the computer's going to run away
serendipity 0 74 (7:58:25 PM): it's a huffin and a puffin
rainwater0395 (7:58:35 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (7:58:37 PM): have fun
serendipity 0 74 (7:58:42 PM): :-P
rainwater0395 (7:58:48 PM): :-P
serendipity 0 74 (7:58:54 PM): eeeeee
serendipity 0 74 (7:59:06 PM): it's the attack of the giant smilies!
rainwater0395 (7:59:09 PM): is it gonna run you over?
serendipity 0 74 (7:59:24 PM): I'm not sure yet
serendipity 0 74 (7:59:33 PM): now it's stuttering
rainwater0395 (7:59:42 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (8:00:02 PM): cha-cha-ch-chooo-ooo-oo! ch-ch-cha-choo-ooo-ooo!
rainwater0395 (8:00:14 PM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (8:00:32 PM): lol
rainwater0395 (8:01:23 PM): well, i'm gonna leave you alone with that stuttering train. byes
rainwater0395 signed off at 8:01:28 PM.
serendipity 0 74 (1:37:31 AM): My lucky number is four billion. That doesn't come in real handy when you're gambling. "Come on, four billion! Fuck. Seven. Not even close. I need more dice."
rainwater0395 (1:38:56 AM): lol
rainwater0395 (1:39:02 AM): who's that from?
serendipity 0 74 (1:39:17 AM): it's in one of my friends' profiles
serendipity 0 74 (1:39:21 AM): *shrug*
rainwater0395 (1:39:41 AM): lol
rainwater0395 (1:39:43 AM): I like that
rainwater0395 (1:39:48 AM): I want to put it in mine
serendipity 0 74 (1:39:52 AM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (1:42:57 AM): I ate some more frosting a little while ago
rainwater0395 (1:43:12 AM): lol
rainwater0395 (1:43:15 AM): w/ sprinkles?
serendipity 0 74 (1:43:22 AM): nope
rainwater0395 (1:43:28 AM): :-P meaniebutt
serendipity 0 74 (1:43:33 AM): :-P
serendipity 0 74 (1:46:42 AM): I think Kim & Buddy's computer is going to eat me
rainwater0395 (1:46:48 AM): lol
rainwater0395 (1:46:57 AM): so first it was a train, and now it's a hungry train?
serendipity 0 74 (1:47:03 AM): yes!
serendipity 0 74 (1:47:07 AM): o.o
rainwater0395 (1:47:17 AM): -.o
rainwater0395 (1:47:19 AM): weirdo
serendipity 0 74 (1:47:31 AM): it's chuga chuga chuggin at me
serendipity 0 74 (1:47:40 AM): and then it goes ROAR
serendipity 0 74 (1:47:44 AM): then goes back to chugging
serendipity 0 74 (1:47:51 AM): it sounds hungry
rainwater0395 (1:48:51 AM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (1:49:17 AM): eep
serendipity 0 74 (1:49:31 AM): save me
rainwater0395 (1:50:01 AM): how about no
serendipity 0 74 (1:50:16 AM): :P
rainwater0395 (1:50:58 AM): :-P
serendipity 0 74 (1:51:14 AM): now it sounds like it has gas
rainwater0395 (1:51:18 AM): Heather: Just throw the train some rum. It'll be fine.
rainwater0395 (1:51:38 AM): ROFLAMO!
serendipity 0 74 (1:51:51 AM): lol
serendipity 0 74 (1:52:23 AM): you're so dyslexic
rainwater0395 (1:52:51 AM): lol
rainwater0395 (1:52:52 AM): yup
rainwater0395 (1:52:57 AM): *ROFLMAO
rainwater0395 (1:52:59 AM): better?
serendipity 0 74 (1:53:07 AM): yes
serendipity 0 74 (1:53:08 AM): ty
serendipity 0 74 (1:53:10 AM): :-)
rainwater0395 (1:53:10 AM): yw
rainwater0395 (1:53:13 AM): :-P
rainwater0395 (1:53:21 AM): *ynw
serendipity 0 74 (1:53:27 AM): :-P