This whole Urinal thing Sucks Penis We should get a bunch of people to protest in front of Ms. Miller, Mr. Garden, Ms. Bayless and whatever else administrator's offices tommorow, or soon. What differenece does it make if they broke the Urinal's. The bathroom's and whatever else is in them are usually broken or just extremely shitty and scary. By the way didn't Ms. A say they didn't put Mikey to sleep after all? He was looking a lot better. That's what she told me. ?????
Comments 2
We should get a bunch of people to protest in front of Ms. Miller, Mr. Garden, Ms. Bayless and whatever else administrator's offices tommorow, or soon. What differenece does it make if they broke the Urinal's. The bathroom's and whatever else is in them are usually broken or just extremely shitty and scary.
By the way didn't Ms. A say they didn't put Mikey to sleep after all? He was looking a lot better. That's what she told me.
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