stole this from kylies xanga...mhmm
-x-Have you done any of these in the past 6 months?-x-
[drive] yepp all the time -- morgans house in the middle of the night, with my parents, in abbeville
[dance] all the time
[wear make-up] duuuh
[dye your hair] no but im goin to die it blue for the game with CAROLANN and MORGAN! woo
[go shopping] yea i went today too :)
[go on a vacation to another country] no
[listen to music] EVERDAY DAY and if im not listenin to it then im singin ..even though i cant
[stay up till 12 a.m. or later] almost every night
[sleepover] yepp
[go to movies] fo sho
[get an autograph from a celebrity] not in the last 6 months..
[go to a school dance] haha no
[give somebody a present] psht yea
[spend time with a senior citizen] haha dont think so..
[talk on phone] hell yes - mostly with morgan and curt
[download something on the computer] music
[watch a music video] everyday FUUUSE
[go over a friend's house] mostly morgans or carolanns
-x-Do you prefer?-x-
+ coke or pepsi? coke
+ watching tv or listening to music? listenin to music
+ cell phones or AIM? AOL instant messanger loser
+ kisses or hugs? either as long as i get one of the two :)
+ bubble gum or sugar free gum? orbit, eclipse, the orange flavored gum
+ coffee or tea? psht please.. sweet tea anytime but i still LOVE coffee
+ McDonalds or Burger King? well i dont eat beef so i barely go to either and when i do i get chicken and it taste the same sow/e im a fagg
+ night or day? NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT
+ summer or winter? winter
+ or what the fuck?
+ xanga classic or xanga premium? im usin and EL JAY :)
+ Pac Sun or American Eagle? both have some cool shit
+ If you were asked out to the movies, what would you see? the notebook OMG OMG OMG :) or the ring 2 cause it will be my first scary movie besides when scott forced me to watch the last 20 minutes of the grudge
+ How long would your ideal first kiss be? haha
+ What do you want in your dream guy? i dont sterotype the kind of guys i like..but cowboys are definitly the hottest!!!!
+ What holidays would you spend with your dream guy? my birthday, christmas, st patricks day, new years, NOT VALENTINES DAY (( like alex and marissa from the OC -- it might ginks everything))
+ What do you picture as a perfect wedding? as long as its with a guy i love i wont be too picky
+ Would you want an older or younger guy? i dont date down.. they have to be my age ((if they got held back its find as long as they are my age ))
H a v e Y o u E v e r . . .
Done Drugs: ---
Run Away From Home: hasnt everyone?
Hit A Boy: lol duh
Stolen Anything: chya
Broken A Bone: yes
Cheated On A Test: haha YEA
Lied: everyday?
Cheated On A Boyfriend: never
Gotten Drunk: ---
Been With Two guys/girls At Once: nope
Been In The Hospital: yepp
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yea probably
Gone to Church: yea
Never slept during a night: all the time..especially when im with tay && andrea
Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yepp a lot
been to a camp: all the time haha i am a loser
Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: lol yepp
Seen someone die: i saw a motorcycle crash once but i didnt know if he died. and ive seen my animals be put to sleep when they were sick and we didnt have a choice and it was the saddest thing i ever went through and i hattted it
Gone a week w/out shaving: haha who hasnt? like honestly
Didn't wash your hair for a week: i was my hair 2 times a day thank you :)
Broken something valuable: DUH
Streaked the streets: haha chya
Screamed at someone for no reason: helll yes
Said I love you and meant it: not to a boyfriend..
Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: i didnt love them..
Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yepp
Pulled a prank? duh
Made fun of someone? chya
I n t h e l a s t 4 8 h o u r s h a v e y o u . . .
cried: nope
bought something: yep - earings, blue panty hoes ((for the game with ca and mo)) a ring, and chineese food
Gotten Sick: yah
said i love u: yea
wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn't: not that i loved them but that i liked them :)
met someone new: yea me and linds met a kid at the Y but he seemed kinda shy :-\
moved on: noooooo
talked to someone: ofcourse not?
had a serious talk: yea
hugged someone: yesss i gave everyone a hug right after i jumped into the pool with my clothes on at the Y
kissed someone: no :( aw bummer
fought with your parents: like everysecond
dreamed about someone u can't be with: not that i know of
wanted this survey to be over: i wouldnt do it if i didnt want to?
[x] Rock or Rap: rock but i like to dance to rap :)
[x] Rap or Pop: rap
[x] Rock or Pop: rock
[x] R&B or Rock: rock
[x] Metal or Rock: rock
[x] Pop or R&B: pooop NSYNC BABY
[x] Pop or Metal: metal
[x] Rap or R&B: rap
[x] Britney or Christina: what about a paris
[x] Hilary or Lindsay: hilary you're crazy!! haah morgan FATTY ARMS!! no but definitly hilary
[x] Chad Michael Murray or Jude Law: chad michael murray
[x] Gay or Lesbian: gay guys cause ive grown up around them.. haha all my moms best friends
[x] Usher or Justin Timberlake: justin timberlake
[x] Basketball or baseball: baseball
[x] Pen or pencil: my handwritin sucks either way
[x] Skateboard or rollerblade: well brandon and dustin and brennan and people skateboard, but curt rollerblades and im friends with all of them so like what about skateblade ((a little of both))
[x] Ski or snowboard: i wanna learn how to snowboard so bad!
[x] Me or you: psht me, please!
[x] Dora or Blue: blues clues bitch ..i dont speak spanish?
[x] Red or Blue: red
[x] Best friend(s): PORTER TAYLOR ANDREA MALLORY MORGAN CAROLANN - chad jaffe barchi curt brandon brennan andrew ILI LIND DREA
[x] Known the longest: hmm probably court
[x] Craziest: haha holy shit -- taylor and andrea definitly all the way at the top . and devon and morgan and courtney and ca are crazy but like i mean Ili and drea are too so like basically everyone i hang out with is crazy because like i love those kind of people
[x] Shyest: i have shy friends?
[x] Sweetest: haha we're all bitches
[x] Nicest: they're nice to me :)
[x] Most likely to get lost: uh i wold say me tay and andrea..oh wait sorry WE ALREAY DID THAT IN DISNEY WORLD!
[x] Most likely to fall in love alot: porter
[x] Scariest: haha i dunno
[x] Best hair: TAYLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg by far taylor. porter when its natural i love andreas haircut, courtneys hair is soo pretty so is carolanns and ili's omg yea
[x] Most athletic: haha jaffe barchi ANDRES and all the guys and DEVON
[x] Most likely to say, "Do you have to be Dutch to wear Von Dutch?": morgan
[x] Tallest: barchi carolann scott wait theyre all taller than me
[x] Shortest: logan chubbs lil man
[x] Always there when you need them: porter ((ive cried on her shoulder so many times)) taylor andrea mo and jenna <33 oh and andrea
[x] Loudest: courtney and devon
[x] Funniest: taylor cause she pisses on her carpet
[x] Hottest: haha i duno
[x] Best dressed: scott m.
This or that...
Nice smiles or nice eyes? nice smile
Jeans or skirts? depends
Boots or sneakers? ha i dont own either
Natural or make-up? EVERYONE looks better with makeup
Restaurants or fast food? fastfoooood
Italian food or Chinese? chineseplease
Dark or light eyes? dark
Streaked or dyed hair? natural
Vampires or Gods? Gods please
Shakespeare or Greek mythology? hhaha umm greek?
Milk shakes or floats? milkshakes
Drugs or cigarettes? cigarettes are GROSE
Football or cheerleading? FOOOOTBALL
Cake or pie? cake
<3_ The Last _<3
person u imed- ili
person who imed u- andrew :)
place u went- video galaxy
thing u ate- shrimp
thing u drank- TAB
person u hugged- linds and whit
person u yelled at- mamma and daddy
person who called u- stef
person who u called- haha me and ili called SPOON and lexi hahahaha i love you il
Color:: orange and purple
Band:: brandnew
Song:: soco amaretta lime, freebird, firefly
Stuffed animal:: miss kitty :) haha
TV show:: desperate housewives, the OC, lagunna beach, willngrace
Movie:: beaches the notebook varsity blues anything that makes me cry _ the comitments
Book:: go ask alice, she said yes, little bitty lies, the divine secrets of the yaya sisterhood
Food:: chineese
Flower:: pretty ones
Scent:: sweet amber romance..anything from vickies
Animal:: black labs
Comic book:: haha spidey :P
Cereal:: please, lucky charms
Website:: purevolume
Cartoon:: braceface, totally spies, scooby doo
Play an instrument?:: yepp acoustic guitar --sometimes
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: haha no one should EVEN lie and say they dont
Like to sing?:: haha HELLLLL YES
Have a job?:: no.. and i hate babies so i dont babysit
Like to play sports?:: sure
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: no
Have a crush on someone?:: yepp
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: yea
Have any special talents/skills?:: you mean my beautiful singin voice ((sarcasm))
Exercise daily?:: yea like obsessively
Like school?:: does anyone?
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: no thanks
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: yea i did when i was in the 2nd grade!!
Speak any other languages?:: kicked out of spanish for sleepin
Go a day withouut food ?:: yea
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: chya then comepeted haha
Roll your tongue?:: no..dont remind me:(
Eat a whole pizza?:: no but i should
Seen a shooting star?:: nope
Been to any other countries?:: yep
Solved a rubiks cube?:: no i saw my dad do it once
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: story of my life
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: haha YES
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: yepp
Been to a casino?:: yea
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: no but i should
Made homemade muffins?:: i wish
Been to Disneyland/ DisneyWorld?:: yea and got lost with tay andrea haley hannah and carrie
More than 5 times?:: nope
Been to Niagara falls?:: nope
wait i have some corrections!!!!!
ive known ili the longest cause ive known her since 2nd grade.. and nadia is the sweetest friend i have and i love her more than ever cause shes sooooo nice to me and shes definitly one of my best friends!!!! ahh omg i <3 them both
emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds
tell people what they want to hear, then do whatever you want I LOVE YOU TAY AND ANDREA MORE THAN LIFE XOXOXOXO