This is a SUPER long, text-heavy entry so I really understand if people aren't interested. XD
Well, a few more days have passed so I figure I should update again. I already wrote about what happened on monday morning
here, so I'll skip it for this journal. After the events of that journal, I went to the BBQ. I got a text message from a girl I'd met walking down to the "listening to speeches"-part of the day and exchanged numbers with (she's going to study to be a preschool-teacher and lives in my building) asking if we should walk together down there. So we did.
Though, we didn't sit together at the BBQ, we sat down with our classes etc. A girl that's on the second year (in the welcome committee) complimented my t-shirt (A Doctor Who "the angels have the phonebox"-shirt) and I sat down next to her and the people there. Later, we chatted a bit about Doctor Who. She's not nearly as obsessed as me (that's hard, though) but it's always nice to meet a fellow Whovian! I also talked to the people sitting around in the general are. One of 'em was a guy who just came off as a general knowitall (worse than me) and I totally misheard him when he said he had allergies (I didn't understand what he'd meant until after he said later that he had to leave 'cause of 'his allergies') so I probably seemed like an arsehole. lol. Though, I met him again today and I we greeted each other, so maybe not.
I also talked to a girl studying visual arts (animation, visual arts and visual simulation all have classes together the first two semesters) and she reminded me a lot about someone, but I can't for the life of me remember who. She was nice enough, but I we didn't really have a lot in common and it was a few awkward silences and such, so I don't really know if we'll actually hang out later. Though, she was cool enough and we sat next to each other the day after during orientation.
Then there was a couple of girls that knew each other that I talked to, and I think I have a lot in common with. They're also fans of, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, Tobuscus and other internet nerdy stuff, and we chatted a bit about pin-up dictators and such, so we kind of have similar humour. (...Pin-Up dictators started because one of them said she'd once drawn a pin-up version of Hitler as a joke on someone's arm, by the way.) The issue is that I kind of feel like the third wheel there, I mean. They've known each other for years so they've got a lot of inside jokes and such. They're nice though, and it doesn't seem like I'm bothering them with my presence or anything.
Yesterday there was this "rebus/quiz course" thing, where we got a few tasks and questions that we had to solve as a team. The problem is, I haven't actually gotten to know ANY of the people on my group (we're split into groups and 2 or 3 members of the welcome committee is "responsible" for us) so it was just awkward and kind of tiring. I tried to be super active in the course, but nobody else seemed really interested in doing it so it just mainly ended with nobody giving a fuck. They went to one of the "leaders" for a pre-party after the course (before a concert) and I didn't bother to go because I don't drink and they obviously will. A lot. One of the guys on the group (we were only two girls that joined the course, by the way) asked if I'd join and when I said "eh, I don't think so" he said "that's boring" and I was like "well, I *am* kind of boring..." and I didn't really catch what he said but I think it was "don't say that." :P But I basically hadn't talked to ANY of them much during the entire two hours of the course so I didn't feel like going there to NOT talk more. I went home and watched the season finale of Hell's Kitchen and made an omelet instead.
Today we were at school for under two hours, just learning about these basic online services we apparently have to use (both of which I'd already used in Oslo) and the two girls I'd talked to at the BBQ went to a game store and I tagged along (I said I had no idea where it was, and they said I could join them. It was nice to be invited. :3 As a side-note, I still don't know their names. They didn't say at the BBQ and I haven't dared to ask after. I think one of them is called Elisabeth, though (the other one called her by her name and I think that was it.)
The Welcome Week activity for today was a party, so I decided against going. Instead, I went shopping a little and picked up a certain Vinyl* from the post office. (* The Artbeat Voltaire-vinyl.) I was sad that the image from the video wasn't on the vinyl sleeve, but it's definitively the way it's supposed to be. Can't wait to get the CD, as well. I do believe that's where the image is from (it looks like it on Discogs), but I guess I'll have to wait and see!
I bought a super cool shower curtain featuring Mickey Mouse today. It was white and decorated with several Mickeys with different poses and expressions on it. I decided to do it 'cause I've been showering in the bloody dark -- with a deep blue shower curtain there's NO light in the shower. There's a really crappy light-placement in the bathroom, and the dark shower curtain just made it worse. I don't know if my flatmate likes it, but I frankly don't care because I haven't seen her since Monday. And she completely soaked the mat I'd put on the bathroom floor. I've no idea how the hell she managed to do that.
As a side-note on the shower - it's so awful. It's impossible to balance the water temperature. I'll probably take a picture of the tap to show you, 'cause it's really REALLY stupid and old-fashioned.
I uploaded a few images of my room on Facebook, but I figured I could re-post them here as well. I'm getting kind of happy with how it is. I've ordered two posters more (huge Doctor Who-posters!), because I really REALLY hate the walls, and I'm planning on buying another basket and maybe another rug. This is how it looks as of yesterday night:
If the images doesn't work or you want them bigger, you can probably view them on
my Facebook.
I don't think I have anymore to say about Hamar yet. I'll probably write another entry on Sunday with the rest of Welcome Week and I want to write a little post about Doctor Who before it starts again on Saturday and then there's a London post I've been dying to write. (Wow, I write A LOT now, right? Haha. But the rest of you've been active too! <3)
In other news, there's this other project I've been working on: Making a Wordpress Layout! The idea or hope is that I'll be able to make something I'm genuinely happy with and then I'll buy And fill the blog with images of what I make at school and such. Right now it looks like this (click for bigger):
It's not done yet (obviously, it doesn't even have an actual menu!), and I'm not sure if that's the "look" I ultimately want to go with, but I'm REALLY proud of myself for having managed (with the help of a kickass tutorial that
binaryfaerie sent me, though) to build a at least somewhat decent-looking Wordpress layout! :)