Survey thing.

Apr 04, 2006 22:41

Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About YouThe Basic StuffName?:Stephen H. Age?:21 Height?:6'2" Weight?:215-225, depending on the time of year and where I am at the time Birthday?:December 19, 1984 Birthplace?:Exeter, N.H. Current Location?:Valparaiso, Ind. School/Grade?:Valparaiso University/Third-year Zodiac Sign?:Sagittarius Chinese Zodiac Sign?:I always forget Righty or Lefty?:Right -- throw, hockey, eat, write, brush teeth; Left -- Swinging in baseball/tennis/golf, shooting in basketball Haircolor?:Brown Eyecolor?:Greenish/hazel Skin Color?:White -- either pale or red depending on whether I'm embarrassed at the time About YouWhat's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?:I'm an only child. Any Pets?:No. If So What Are They?:n/a Favorite Relative?:In all honesty, my mother. I'm a mama's boy. Least Favorite Relative?:No comment, in case any family members ever see this profile. What's Your Heritage/Race?:50% Irish, 25% Scottish/English, 25% French-Canadian. Political Affilation?:Independent, since I hate all parties equally. Overall I'm socially conservative and economically liberal. Love & SexSexuality?:Straight. Are You In A Relationship Now?:No. If So, With Whom?:n/a For How Long?:n/a Are You In Love?:No. Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?:Yes. Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?:No. How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?:I'll let you know when it happens. Virgin?:Yes. If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?:n/a Was It Enjoyable?:n/a What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?:I almost kissed someone goodnight leaving her house at 2 a.m. when I was 18. We weren't going out at the time, though -- endedup hugging. I've been kissed on the cheek twice. Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?:I'd probably enjoy it most on the lips? Best Love Quote?:"If you just can't comprehend why I'd be kissing your best friend, just keep on walking, baby." Big & Rich, "Never Mind Me" Your FriendsBest?:At this point, Jeff. How Many Do You Have?:Facebook says I have 101, MySpace says 10. I think it's somewhere in between. More Guys Or Girls?:Of people I hang out with regularly, about equal, maybe slightly more girls. Love Them All?:Every single last one of them. ;-) Mwah! Any You Wish You Were Closer To?:A couple ... Oldest?:If age, Shelly. If length of time, Jeff or Jon. Newest?:Ariana and Ashley. Pen Pal?:None. Friends And Words: Associate ThemPen:Mike, since he had two at dinner tonight. Flower:Jeff, because of his quest for flowers on Valentine's Day. Pink:no one off the top of my head, since I think they all hate pink. Window:Andrea and Shelly, since theirs liked to leak in cold air. Heart:That kid from Captain Planet. Mother:Not sure how to answer this, but it's better than my original answers for this section. Bread:? Insane:Andrea. Sunglasses:Anthony for his MSN picture. Pimp:Ashley and Ariana, due to their obsession with hos. Cross:Jeff. Lonely:Probably Ariana. Car:Myself and Ariana; we're the only two with cars. Music:Me; I have the best music. ;-) This Or ThatBoxers or Briefs?:Briefs. Thongs or G-Strings?:Unlike Sisqo, I don't care what a girl wears. For me wearing, neither. Shorts or Pants?:Pants! Shoes or Barefeet?:Shoes. Books or Movies?:Books. Night or Day?:Night. Dark or Light?:Dark. Mountains or Beach?:Mountains. I mean, I never went to the beach hardly the entire time in N.H. Snow or Sun?:Snow. Pepsi or Coke?:No preference. Guys or Girls?:Girls. Swim or Surf?:Swim. For or AgainstGay Marriage?:I'm against all secular marriage. Straight or gay, get a civil union license from the courts or town hall. Abortion?:Against. Bush Getting Re-elected?:Against. Suicide?:Against. War?:Against. Pants?:For. Clothes In General?:For. Penises?:What? FavoritesColor?:Blue. Number?:37. Holiday?:Thanksgiving. Season?:Fall. Movie?:UHF. Book?:Big Trouble. Magazine?:Newsweek and the Sporting News. Food?:Chicken; egg noodles. Drink?:Mountain Dew; root beer. TV Show?:Whose Line Is It Anyway? Song?:Never Mind Me -- Big & Rich. Band?:The Alan Parsons Project. Computer Game?:NASCAR Racing 3. Video Game?:Madden NFL 2005 and NCAA Football 2005. Anime/Manga?:I haven't seen enough to have any likes. Shirt?:My tannish/brown polo. Pants?:My Wrangler blue jeans. Actor?:Don't care. Actress?:Don't care. Singer?:Amy Lee or Eric Woolfson. Flower?:None. Scent?:None. Animal?:None. Cookie?:Chewy chocolate chip. The FutureWant To Go To College?:Already there. What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:A meteorologist for the National Weather Service. Want To Get Married?:See the caveat above, but yes. Want To Have Kids?:One or two, max. What Would Their Names Be?:No idea. How Many?:One or two, max. Where Do You Want To Live?:Somewhere in the Midwest, though with my career choice I might not have a lot of choice in the matter. Where Do You Want To Get Married?:Until it closed, my old church at home. Now, I don't know, probably wherever my wife wants to get married. How Do You Want To Die?:Quick and painless, when I'm really, really old (I have a lot of issues with death right now). More Stuff About YouPiercings?:None. Tattoos?:None. Smoke?:No. Drink?:Rarely. Do Drugs?:No. Skinny Dip?:Never. Greatest Fear?:Death and falling. (Both the literal, from-blue-sky sense, and the figurative, in-love sense.) Chocolate or Vanilla?:Chocolate. Go To Church?:Yes. Religion?:Roman Catholic. Scars?:A slight one on my face from when I fainted at the doctor's office; another slight one from my surgery to remove a mole from my belly button when I was 14. CDs Owned?:*shrug* Collections?:I used to collect the state quarters. Like To Be Naked?:Not particularly. Ever Eaten Sushi?:No, and I don't plan to anytime soon. An Entire Case Of Oreos?:Probably. Been On Stage?:Yes. 2nd grade play, and 5th-14th grade band concerts. Danced In The Rain?:No. Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?:Um, no. Weirdest Dream?:I'm not telling. Ask me if you're that interested. Best Dream?:I'm not telling. Ask me if you're that interested. Saddest Dream?:Not sure. Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?:I'm not telling. Ask me if you're that interested. Think You're Attractive?:Of course not. Shoplifted?:No. Been Caught "Doing Something"?:No. Weirdest Makeout Place?:I've never made out; how can I have a weirdest place? Like Thunderstorms?:I didn't used to; now I sort of do, thanks to the storm chase. Favorite Shoes?:My black Reeboks, as that's all I have currently. Favorite Quote?:"And the meek shall inherit the earth, but the bank will repossess it." -- Sawyer Brown Best Advice Given?:Not sure. Worst Advice Given?:Not sure. Favorite Song Lyric?:See my favorite quote. What Quote Says Most About Your Life?:Not sure. Glad This Is Over?:Yeah, even though it took me over a week to do this because of apathy. Take this survey | Find more surveys
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