Greg told me to fuck off. Well, he can go shove a cookie up his ass and suck his finger. o_o
Normal stuff
Name: Dawn...o_O;
Age: 15.
Home Town: Sudbury. o_o
Other Stuff
Height: 5'6. o.o
Weight: 100lbs. o____o
Breast Size: Um.....No comment. xD
Do You.....
Shower: Yes...Unlike you. o.o
Walk to school: Sometimes.
Sleep: Yes...
Eat: Either once every 2-3 days...Or a lot in one day. o.o;;;
Masterbate: lmfao
Drink: No? ;D xDDDD
Smoke: lmao
Do drugs: lmfao...xDDDD -high fives the gang-
Are you:
Gay: No. o.o
Bisexual: No. xD
Lesbain: Nope. -points to Ally- xD
Horny: Very. ;D -is talking to Nico- lmfao
A Virgin: o_O;;;;;;;
Hungry: No.