No One Can Live In the Light All of the Time =]

Jan 13, 2008 00:16

Name: Anna
Age: 15
Location: New Jersayy ♥
Are you open to cross-gender votes? Nope. Whoever fits me, fits me ♥
Would you be open to being voted as characters who are not in your age range? Would you prefer to be voted as a character who is within your age range? Same as above ^ I don't care.

1. What are your three defining positive traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
Outgoing This is good for obvious reasons, its gets people to like me and it makes me a fun person to be around.
Open Im not sure if this is nessisarily a good trait but once again, it makes me approachable.
Good-Hearted Im not saying Im good-hearted because Im sweet or kind or anything- Im saying it because I can't harm people. I feel horible with myself if I hurt someone or make them upset. It doesn't mean that I don't, it just means that I don't like to or that Im not mean or hurtful on purpose.

2. What are your three defining negative traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
Narcissistic I don't want to say that Im stuck on myself.. but I am somewhat obsessive over my apperence. Like, if theres a mirror, Im probably gonna look in it. Lol. I also tend to judge people on what I can see, when I first meet them.
Annoying Im usually loud and talkive, which can get really annoying really quickly. Haha.
Oblivious About 90% of my life, Im not paying attention. Haha. Im not a very alert person. And I react to things slower than other people. Which is why I should never take a bus. I'd always end up missing my stop! Haha ♥

3. If you were studying in Spence, which would be your favorite place? (By the lake, garden, church, caves, etc.) Why? Im honestly not sure! All of Spence seems so lovely, haha ♥

4. Would you have stolen the wine from the church in order to be in Felicity's group? Why or why not? If you weren't part of their crowd, what kind of clique would you be in, if any? Why? I would have stolen the wine to be in Felicitys group. Im a follower, by far, and the 'popular' crowd probably would have appealed to me.

5. If the Door of Light were to appear in front of you and you were to go into the realms, what would you choose to do in them? What would they be like for you? Im not completely sure. I think I'd wanna ride the Gorgon- lol! That would be so awesome to fly ♥ I'd probably wanna find true love too. Guys like that on earth aren't so easy to find. Pft.

6. Do you think the power of the realms should be shared by the members of the Order? Why or why not? No, I don't think so. Even if everyone in the Order was good-natured and not bent on reaking havoc, there would be more of a chance that someone would screw up.

7. If you were a woman living in the Victorian Era, what do you think your life would have been like based on how it is now, your ambitions, and place in society? I'd imagen that I would be an adverage girl, breed into marriage and nothing else. Im not very ambitious and (even in my regular 2008 lifestyle) I don't do anything out of the ordinary for girls my age. And my families completely normal (as in: I don't have a bad past or a sad story behind me) so that would make me even more normal and boring. Haha!

8. If you were granted power by the realms and could use it inside and outside of the realms, what would you choose to do with it? I'd try to make myself more likeable. And I have so many self-esstem issues.. maybe I'd be able to use that power to fix those too? Haha. I guess I'd help out my friends as well. Like if someones bothering them or something- I'd pull a Gemma-Frezze-Time thingy. Lol! Maybe its a good thing I don't actually have those powers.

9. What is your favorite scene (A Great and Terrible Beauty and Rebel Angels combined)? Why? I love in Rebel Angels when Pippa and Fee are dancing in the realms. Its such a simple but sweet scene.. and its so sad to see that Fees slowely loosing her. =[ I also love all the scenes that involve Katrik and Gemma. ♥

10. What is your favorite quote from the books? Why? Ooh. Im not sure. I really can't remember any of my favorite quotes =\ And Im too lazy to go look though the books at the moment. Sorry to make things more difficult for everyone.

11. Pick one character among Gemma, Felicity, Ann, and Pippa. Tell us what she (the character you chose) could have done differently. (We are sure you did not agree with their every action.) Okay Im gonna go with the biggie: I think Pippa could have definatly made a better desscision than staying in the realms and basicly damning herself. And I don't just mean not returning to the regular world- I mean staying the realms even after she ate the berries, and not going to heaven or the afterlife or whatever you want to call it.

12. Which A Great and Terrible Beauty/Rebel Angels older character would you consider as a good role model? Why? I think Gemmas mother is a very good role model. She seemed to do a good job raiseing and protecting her daughter (both from the dangers of the realms and the gossip and chattery women of Lodon- Lmao!) And shes very courageous and strong.

13. Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
Freedom I've kind of been bind down all of my life. So the freedom to do whatever I please, whenever I please is something thats very important and appealing to me.
Beauty Like I've said before, Im a bit narcissistic. I want to be considered beautiful. And while inner beauty is important, I want people to stay around long enough to see the inner beauty in me =] And outter beauty will sometimes do that. I don't feel like Im beautiful. And I want to be. Therefore this appeals to me very much.
Self-Fulfillment I don't have this yet. Being happy with yourself is both important and appealing to me.
Security Security is both important and vital for me. If Im not secure about who Im with and what they think about me, then Im not happy.
Power Power isn't very appealing to me. With Power comes leadership of some sort and Im not interested in that. Im perfectly happy with following and being one of the crowd. Not taking over it.
Glory Glory doesn't matter do me. It goes away with time, does it not? And besides everytime I think of glory I think of Napleon standing on a rock concurring a new country or something. Haha
Wealth Wealth makes no difference to me at all. Money doesn't buy happiness ♥

14. If possible, please post one or more pictures of yourself here. This is not mandatory, but if you do have pictures, you're encouraged to post them.

pippa cross

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