Name: Lauren
Age: 18
Location: FL
Are you open to cross-gender votes? Yes, of course.
Would you be open to being voted as characters who are not in your age range? Would you prefer to be voted as a character who is within your age range? Whenerver I fit, place me there.
1. What are your three defining positive traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
1. Intellectual - I wouldn't say I'm booksmart. I'm more inquisitive. I'm into philosophy, religion, math, reading, and musics.
2. Optimistic -- I try to always look on the bright side.
3. Determined -- I plan on being many things in life and nothing will discourage me. When I want something, I go for it with all I got. If I still fail, atleast I know I tried.
2. What are your three defining negative traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
1. Stubborn - When I get my mind set on something, Im very hard to budge.
2. Introverted - I like to keep to myself. Its not that I dont like people, I just tense up around people unless I really know them
3. Insecure -- Regardless of what people say about me, (That im pretty, smart or talented), I still see myself as this little girl everyone needs to protect from the truth.
3. If you were studying in Spence, which would be your favorite place? (By the lake, garden, church, caves, etc.) Why? By the lake. Its the most relaxing, where I could read a good book.
4. Would you have stolen the wine from the church in order to be in Felicity's group? Why or why not? If you weren't part of their crowd, what kind of clique would you be in, if any? Why? I wouldn't have because I felt Fee was just a big bully and wouldve blackmailed me. I would probably be in a group by myself.
5. If the Door of Light were to appear in front of you and you were to go into the realms, what would you choose to do in them? What would they be like for you? I would just make things as pretty and peaceful as possible
6. Do you think the power of the realms should be shared by the members of the Order? Why or why not? No. The Order was power hungry. I think that it should be shared with all the Realms
7. If you were a woman living in the Victorian Era, what do you think your life would have been like based on how it is now, your ambitions, and place in society? I would probably be among Gemma's level. She was independent, and yet still tried to be apart of her world, as well as the Victorian.
8. If you were granted power by the realms and could use it inside and outside of the realms, what would you choose to do with it? I probably would only use it to fix minor flaws, but leave the magic in the Realms for bigger changes.
9. What is your favorite scene (A Great and Terrible Beauty and Rebel Angels combined)? Why? Gemma & Kartik dancing in the barn.
10. What is your favorite quote from the books? Why? "There are no safe choices" because I firmly beilive it
11. Pick one character among Gemma, Felicity, Ann, and Pippa. Tell us what she (the character you chose) could have done differently. (We are sure you did not agree with their every action.) Ann. Ann really wasnt much of a friend, she used anyone and everything she could to better her position
12. Which A Great and Terrible Beauty/Rebel Angels older character would you consider as a good role model? Why? Virginia Doyle. She, yes, made mistakes in her childhood, but she raised her daughter to not make the same ones.
13. Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
self-fulfillment (Completeness is our ultimate goal)
freedom (To be myself at all times)
security (In love, money, home, and family)
wealth (to survive)
glory (To make a name for myself)
beauty (To have beautiful children and belongings)
power (To be the head of the house)
14. If possible, please post one or more pictures of yourself here. This is not mandatory, but if you do have pictures, you're encouraged to post them.
* Also, I am active. (01/26/2009)