First and foremost, one of the rules in this community is to vote on at least three applications (or if there are less than that posted, however many applicable) before submitting your own. Please list the usernames of the applicants whose applications you have voted on.
Everyone was already stamped
Name: Lauren aka Lo
Age: 19
Location: FL
Are you open to cross-gender votes? Sure
1. What are your three defining positive traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life. 1.De rmined, I rarely stopped reaching for my goals. 2. Intelligent, I am very studious, and love to continue to learn. 3. Optimistic, no matter what I try to stay on the positive side.
2. What are your three defining negative traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life. 1. Cynical, I do not trust new people. 2. Sarcastic, I have a dry sense of humor. 3. Stubborn, I want things to go my way.
3. Would you have stolen the wine from the church in order to be in Felicity's group? Why or why not? If you weren't part of their crowd, what kind of clique would you be in, if any? Why?
I would not have stolen anythig to be apart of anyone’s group. I much prefer to be on my own, and if I did want to be around some one I would not belittle or embarrass myself for their behalf, or belittle or embarrass someone else to “prove themselves worthy”
4. Do you think the power of the realms should be shared by the members of the Order? By everyone in the realms? Why or why not?
I think everyone should share in the power, because equality is a must. Yes some will abuse it, but hopefully they would learn from their mistakes. People/beings must prove themselves incapable before losing things.
5. If you were a woman living in the Victorian Era, what do you think your life would have been like based on how it is now, your ambitions, and your current place in society?
Well, I would have a hard time in the Victorian times. Yes I love it, but I am to headstrong and vocal, and ambitious. I would never marry, or have a family, and that is on the same im[portance level to me as a career
6. If you were granted power by the realms and could use it inside and outside of the realms, what would you choose to do with it?
Make everyone happy/calm.
7. What is your favorite scene in any of the three books? Why? Kartik and Gemma dancing. So romantic, yet forbidden.
8. What is your favorite quote from the books? Why? “Your mind is not a cage. It's a garden. And it requires cultivating” Miss Moore said it in a Great and Terrible Beauty
As a nerd, I can just see myself saying it haha
9. Pick one character among Gemma, Felicity, Ann, and Pippa. Tell us what she (the character you chose) could have done differently.
Gemma could have done so much differently. I loved her but she never, for me, became the big heroine she was meant to be.
10. Which Gemma Doyle Trilogy older character would you consider as a good role model? Why? Virginia Doyle. She is strong, kind, stern, but loving.
11. Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer. Self-fulfillment, freedom, security, wealth, beauty, power, glory.
12. If possible, please post one or more pictures of yourself here. This is not mandatory, but if you do have pictures, you're encouraged to post them.