No one can live in the light all the time

Jul 26, 2011 12:22

First and foremost, one of the rules in this community is to vote on at least three applications (or if there are less than that posted, however many applicable) before submitting your own. Please list the usernames of the applicants whose applications you have voted on.

Name: Amanda

Age: 19

Location: Canada

Are you open to cross-gender votes? Not really :P I like being a girl.

1. What are your three defining positive traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
Insightful - I’m not the most intellectually curious person, but I’m very insightful when it comes to relationships and people. It’s just my brand of intelligence. I’m not good with numbers, but I’m good with emotions.
Passionate - I’m overwhelming sometimes, according to my friends. This can be a bit of a negative trait, as it can cause me to be obsessive, but I happen to like it. It gives me the ability to stay committed to things and to change myself and the perspective of others.
Outspoken - Not always, but for the most part I try to fight for my beliefs and say things the way that I see them.

2. What are your three defining negative traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
Headstrong - I’m very stubborn and can be very rash - I prefer to do instead of think things through beforehand. I know why this is, and it isn’t a simple personality thing - it’s a life choice. But I will admit, it can go to extremes, and sometimes I just can’t stop myself.
Keeps things bottled up (only to explode later on) - I have trouble expressing my emotions on a day-to-day basis. I have trouble with feeling my emotions in the moment, even though I really think it’s best to be straight-forward. I think it has to do with my self-consciousness and anxiety.
Irresponsible / Selfish - I’ve never been the best person to go to for jobs that need to get done here and now, and done thoroughly. I’m not very reliable. I’m just too off in my own little world for that. I often block out the rest of the world if I’m annoyed with it or if I’m feeling down.

3. Would you have stolen the wine from the church in order to be in Felicity's group? Why or why not? If you weren't part of their crowd, what kind of clique would you be in, if any? Why? I probably wouldn’t have stolen the wine. A group where you are “initiated” by stealing something isn’t one that I want to be a part of. If I wasn’t in their crowd, I’d probably be with the shyer kids and the nerds - because that’s who I was with in my own life in high school anyway. I get along with most people, though the ones that I don’t get along with - I REALLY don’t get along with!

4. Do you think the power of the realms should be shared by the members of the Order? By everyone in the realms? Why or why not?
I’m not sure on this one. I wouldn’t want the members of the Realms go get out into the “real world” by any means - but the Order seems pretty stuck up, and they DID mess up a lot. I think I’ll take a third option and say: “I’d share it with my friends”, because I don’t particularly trust the Order OR the creatures of the Realms.

5. If you were a woman living in the Victorian Era, what do you think your life would have been like based on how it is now, your ambitions, and your current place in society?
You know, I don’t know the largest amount about Victorian England (though I know more about it than I do about other times in history). My Mom’s pretty think-outside-the-box, so I doubt that I’d be shipped off to the highest bidder, but I’d still probably end up in some sort of Finishing School by my Grandma’s recommendations. My current place in society tells me that I’d still be middle-class, but my Grandma would try everything she could to get me to marry high up.

6. If you were granted power by the realms and could use it inside and outside of the realms, what would you choose to do with it?
I’d use it to prove myself, obviously! To make everything I am, truly am, the good and the bad, shine out to the outside! Because once people truly know me, and I mean TRULY know me, THEN they can decide if they want to leave…

7. What is your favorite scene in any of the three books? Why?
It’s not a scene that I like (at all), but it’s the one that had the most impact on me: Polly, post-abuse from Admiral Worthington. That scene terrified me. I couldn’t sleep after I read it, even though it’s just a page and a bit. It might have to do with my own experiences, and it might have to do with the fact that I want to work with abuse victims when I’m older. I’m not totally clear on it yet. But it still gave me a strong response.

So did Pippa’s first epileptic attack. I had to put the book down and I couldn’t keep reading it that day.

8. What is your favorite quote from the books? Why?
“A beautiful S of a girl”. I think it’s a very interesting description of a person, and I actually spent a LOT of time trying to imagine what an “S” of a person would actually look like. I’ve also always wanted to be attractive in the way that Felicity is described, even though I never will be, so it holds meaning to me through that.

9. Pick one character among Gemma, Felicity, Ann, and Pippa. Tell us what she (the character you chose) could have done differently.
Oh God, Pippa! She should have crossed. In my mind, death isn’t scary - it gives life meaning. At the same time - she knew that if she stayed in the Realms, she would have been corrupted. I think that she should have moved on, because even though an Afterlife isn’t a certainty… it would have been better for her to risk that then to end up spending the rest of eternity without her friends.

10. Which Gemma Doyle Trilogy older character would you consider as a good role model? Why?
Well, Miis Moore. However, once the big reveal occurs, her actions and thoughts really exhibit a double meaning! Aside from that, though, I DO think that the things she said are quite true to life - I just wish she wasn’t trying to justify herself and her own actions through them. Then again, I’ve never really seen her as an ‘evil’ character, persay - just someone who wanted power and would do almost anything to get it. It’s wrong, yes, even sinful, but I don’t think she’s all the way evil. She DOES care for others still.

11. Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
Self-fullfillment - I’m not ambitious when it comes to having power, but I’m definitely ambitious about personal change and betterment. I’ll admit, though, I sometimes judge others when this isn’t their main goal as well.
Freedom - The freedom to always be myself! The ability to help others be free! Independence has always been something I’ve craved.
Security - I have anxiety, and I hate it - it makes me feel weak and pathetic. I’d like to have the security within myself to defeat that side of me.
Beauty - More internal than external, though being prettier would be nice I guess. I almost always see the beauty in things, and I’d like others to see it too…
Glory - I’ve always been a bit too happy when it comes to people admiring me and looking up to me.
Wealth - I’m not someone who really cares about money. I like to save it up and spend it sparingly, and I’d like to be comfortable, but I don’t see any purpose for it beyond that.

12. If possible, please post one or more pictures of yourself here. This is not mandatory, but if you do have pictures, you're encouraged to post them.

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