Weatherization work has the house upside down

Sep 07, 2007 15:53

The good thing is: it's free. We filled out an application a few months ago. Free, based on our income at the time. We're still miserably indebt and struggling, but Hubbyone got work, even though it pays only 1/3 what previous job paid, it's something.

Weatherization surprises --- they came in today and said "Clear out this closet and this space, so we can access the attic trap door." Bean2's bedroom is the most stagnant, oppressive, overwhelmed-with-baggage space in the house. And the whole closet got emptied in less than an hour --- most of it dropped into Poochy's room. (On an impulse yesterday, I'd cleared her floor yesterday. Lucky...)

Then the utility room --- the hanging clothes, pets, and plants had to be removed. Now bury one couch in the living room, and consume a corner across from the computer wall...

Do I need to say my home is upside down, and I am exhausted, just walking through it?

But insulation has been blown into the attic, now, and ducts have been wrapped, and light bulbs changed into florescent efficient ones.

Hubbyone's new hours has him home Fridays & Saturdays, so I get his company some, now.
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