Torchwood is going to kill me.
I am obviously not so much up on the internet thing anymore, but I at least knew we were getting new Torchwood starting in January. However, this? KILLZ ME DED.
I was all excited when the clip started. James Marsters is slamming a long line of shots at a bar? I'm totally down with that. Then there was stalking and innuendo-ridden looks and then...then I died of happiness. Kissing and punching and wrestling and gleeful laughing and all kinds of things that are designed to induce fangirly squeeing in me. AND accompanied by Blur's "Song Two." Fuckin' A Right! Although I will get this quesiton out of the way now: what the heck is James Marsters wearing? It's like Sgt. Pepper's gone horrifically goth.
"It's more fun when he's around though."
[all agree]