Well this past week was pretty eventful; I went back to Metuchen Thursday night to attend my dad’s wedding which was pretty short and sweet. He and Karen (his wife) wanted a short private court-room ceremony since both of them had already done the whole elaborate thing once before. They decided it would just be easier and that they would just have a big reception in the spring once everything got settled down, i.e. taking care of things at the new house and waiting for the holidays to pass. Afterwards we (Dad, Karen, my sisters, Karen’s boys and her parents/family) went out to eat at an Italian place in town and had a hell of a meal. Considering I’m not much of a fan for most Italian food and I loved it, I’d say it’s some pretty good shit.
Saturday I came home (school) to see Meryl’s equestrian meet up at Dartmouth and drove back down afterwards. She did very well and we all (the team, her parents and I) thought she got gypped on her placement. On the way back we drove through Keene, saw about 30 GLI’s, hit up Wendy’s and went home. A few hours later, the Halloween party started and we all hopped in our costumes (I’ll post some pictures later on when I get back to my room) and had a barrel of fun. A good amount of people turned out and we were all really happy and my costume disintegrated and made a nice big mess. I guess the plus side was that you could see everywhere I went since I was tracking so much crap around. Kelli (my advisor) showed up for a few minutes so that was pretty cool, along with a couple of other people.
A couple of days ago I realized that Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of weeks and for the first time since I’ve been here, I’ve got a kitchen; well a stove at least. So my idea is this- In the next week or so, a whole heap of us should have a massive Thanksgiving dinner. Between the people I know would be interested it, there’s about 4 stoves, so need be could cook 4 turkeys (which I know won’t happen). Between those people, there’s enough chairs, tables, plates and utensils to set a place for everyone. The only thing we’d need is the food- my initial plan was that everyone would throw down a set amount of money and agree on what to eat so a couple of people could go out, get all the food and everyone could have as much as they wanted, or as Aaron said, have everyone make a dish and bring it with them. Either way, it’d work, but if anyone I didn’t IM is interested (since a lot of people were offline), let me know and I’ll keep you posted.
Today I turned in an exam for my 2:00 class a few hours early, so I didn’t have to go and instead went to Meryl’s riding lesson with her. I hung around the barn and talked to Kelli when she wasn’t working with Meryl about Ireland and the trip next summer (2007). She told me she’d like to have me as her TA, and if I was interested, I’d need to help her start planning the trip in the next few months. The car club is just about done; all that I need to do is attend the next AOC meeting (next Wednesday) and get that taken care of. After that, we should be up and running which will be quite sweet. Today was also Meryl and my 10 month anniversary, so I took her out to dinner, kicking and screaming, to a Thai place. Since I told her that’s where I was taking her, she berated me continually with the same story about how the one time her sister tried it she got a rotten case of food poisoning and shit herself to death. Well not really, but she definitely didn’t want to go. Regardless, I made her eat some and guess what, she liked it J Surprisingly, I can’t stomach Chinese food and Japanese food is usually about 50/50, but my stomach and Thai food seem to agree quite swimmingly. I’m glad we had the chance to go out for food, especially given that it’s been an insanely pleasant 10 months (yeah I know we’re fags, shut up). Oddly enough, she hasn’t driven me to the point of becoming homicidal and if she hasn’t yet, I’m quite sure she isn’t going to. Granted we have our moments where we’re mad at one another over the littlest things, but who doesn’t?
Speaking of annoying little things, on Saturday I lost my cool with a certain someone over one of my biggest pet-peeves- being blatantly ignored. I know I should be one to talk since I’ve been known to look directly at someone I know and not realize that I’m looking at them (i.e. passing someone I know in the hallway, looking at them for a second and looking away), but when someone walks into a room, stops dead in their tracks, stares right at you, then the person you’re with, then right back at you, it’s pretty fucking obvious that you’ve noticed them. Now I can deal with not wanting to talk to someone when you’re out with a group of friends because you don’t want to feel like you’re abandoning them, that’s more than acceptable. However when you completely avoid all eye contact with that person once you realize they’ve noticed you too, yet continually mention that “he’s sitting over there” with his girlfriend to your cluster of friends, you’re not fooling anyone (not even mentioning the fact that once all three had gotten their food, one of her friends stands up, turns right toward us, waves at me then Meryl making quite the scene). Regardless of whether or not it was being done to try and get me to walk over to the table and start the conversation, it’s still an overly dickish thing to do. I don’t like being ignored; in fact, I’m pretty sure there are very few people who do, which is why I think my “Go fist yourself” comment was pretty justified. Now you’d think at this point any honest, half-intelligent person would admit they were wrong and apologize. No, this one chose to not only deny it, but try and twist it around and pin me as being the asshole. Sorry. No cookie for you, you fucking cum-dumpster.
The last way I want to come across now is as a conceited, self-righteous douche bag, but if there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I’m more than friendly to those I surround myself with. There really isn’t much I wouldn’t do for my friends, especially those I keep close to me and I don’t expect much in return (at least I don’t think I do), but when you have the balls to flat out shun me in a public place because you’re either too much of a pussy to look at me and say hi or you’re trying to be cool, you can just go right ahead and feed your face to a meat grinder or play “let’s drink all the chemicals under the sink” with your friends. There’s a point in your life where you just need to grow up a bit; if you still haven’t reached that point by the time you get to college, you really don’t deserve to have both of your arms or walk correctly. That being said, I think I’m done with this entry.