Oct 20, 2007 03:41

LOL, Dumbledore, like Guy, is a homosexual. Therefore, GIP.

So discover is working on a little community for wayward muses and stuff like that. I decided that it's finally time for me to make a list of the RP journals that I've used over the past two years. I tend to stick with a handful of muses, so it might come in handy when attempting to reuse them. If I've missed any that you can remember, let me know. (I pretty sure I'm missing a couple of Albel's and Zelos')

Albel Nox

albelthewicked - Squenix Uni/Indie stuff
maleficusnox - Magna Mater
wickedinviolet - Ergheiz, Canon Wars
nolongerblack - Tides of Fate
wickedundivine @ GJ - Fractura
glyphian @ GJ - City of Desai
neutiguamerro @ GJ - Coeurs Noirs

Asch the Bloody (Sweet Yevony fuck, can I keep him in one RP long enough? D:)

originalflame - Paradisa/A Thousand Tales/Indie
turnstoasch - Bridge High/Uni
lightgoneout - Negative Score
slagassault - Purgatorium
flameoflorelei - Spiral
doesitburn - New Sanctum
aschhole - Indie
featherstoash - Luceti
sisterascherson - I Love Kimlasca
aschthebloody @ GJ - Bridge stuff/Indie logs


nobodiesflame - Lost on Crack
burnineight - 13th Orgy
flamingeight - God and Man/God vs. Man
axelababwa - A Thousand Tales

Luther Lansfeld

luther_lansfeld - Milky Way Server
brokencreator - Broken Sphere
thevirtualimage - Canon Wars
thevirtualimage @ GJ - Coeurs Noirs

Zelos Wilder

theamazingzelos - Squenix Uni
wilderside - Paradisa/Luceti
somethingwilder - Ergheiz
awilderchoice @ GJ - Fractura
somethingwilder @ GJ - Coeurs Noirs


itsnotmansex - Xemnas, Ruin and Reverse
deforested - Rufus, Paradisa/Broken Sphere
angry_azazel - Angry!Azazer/Azazel, Milky Way Server
nibelungen @ GJ - Lenneth Valkyrie, And In Between

rp journal master list

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