All questions refer to your opinion of your relationship with or about your current spouse/partner or potential partner if you are not currently attached (how would you like it to be, if this is the case).
What percentage of your relationship is: Love? Want? Need?
Probably about 80% love, 10% want, and 10% need.
With your partner would you rather: Kiss or talk?
Kiss, then talk afterward.
Do you prefer: Being in charge or submitting to them?
I like both, but I prefer being in charge.
To you what is more important: Love or lust?
Love, of course.
What is your favourite physical feature of theirs?
Everything. His hands.
What is your favourite part of their personality?
His sweetness.
If you could change one thing about your partner physically what would it be?
I’d be bigger than him- typist! Nothing.
If you could change one thing about your partner's personality what would it be?
His tendency not to talk right away.
How physically attractive overall are they to you?
He’s the most beautiful thing in the world to me.
When was the moment that you knew you had fallen in love with them?
Right after the second time I kissed him.