It's been a month already?!

Oct 11, 2010 19:19

It's been a month... must be time for a new post! I swear I come up with plenty of good entries in the meantime, I just never get the time to write them down. So then I have to do a postnaught to bring everything up to speed.

Just got through the first round of mid terms last week. They were 50-50. Half went very well... half went not-so-hot. Long story short, my control systems test was broader than most of the class studied for and my power electronics talk went abysmally. For that talk, I might as well have gone in cold and saved myself the hours I wasted on it. I am still a little behind where I should be, but the constant demand for work is starting to let up so I can start focusing on things I've been neglecting.

On the job front, been applying and interviewing like a good near graduate... but it really feels like I am spinning my wheels. I've focused my efforts toward places I know I can excel and can differentiate against my peers... but it doesn't seem to be doing me a lot of good. It may also be a function of wanting to find work for 1/1/11 instead of immediate. So far the hunt looks like so:
  • Advanced Energy: classmate should have got my resume to boss's desk to get internship. No word back yet
  • Western Area Power Authority: Have not been turned down for the GS5 slot yet. Really hoping for an interview, though I am pretty sure I would be passed over this time (competing classmate is graduating this semester and gunning for same job).
  • Union Pacific: This was a bit of a left-field kind of app. Got an offer to attend an on-campus interview. Think the process went well, but will be passed on this run due to graduation date. Also, though the job looks cool, I am weary to go into such a tangential field as a first job. Would rather go high-tech to low-tech rather than the other way around.
  • HP: Though HP has been on my "avoid" list due to being a massive company, I was informed last week of a position right up my alley. Building computer power supplies. It's right in line with the "high tech" plan and should give opportunity to work 1/1/11. Only just sent off my resume, so we'll see how it goes.
Also, due to a larger-than-expected refund from the school, I've been putting together a design for a new desktop. I was about to pull the trigger on newegg a couple weeks ago but Anya reminded me of black fri/cyber mon deals... so I have my parts in a queue waiting for the prices to drop. Looking to burn about 1k on hardware to build a moderately high end game machine with room to expand. The hope is to either get the current (i5) build for $800 or go up to an i7 build with the savings. We'll see. It's been torturous to keep seeing custom build articles and just have to sit on my hands waiting for the deals to roll in.

Lastly, in furry news... thanks to the Aurora guys to putting back up the Aurora Furs meet. It's been great to get back in touch with reasonable friends who I haven't seen in a while. Also helps to get out of the engineering bubble for a taste of real world balance. Also, I got a great package this week... but it's a Fight Club kind of thing... I can't tell anyone about it. I have yet to take pictures... we'll see if I can be persuaded to put them in a protected post.

Anyway, that's the Life-of-locke-abridged for the last month. I will try to get some more regular posts in here... but most likely I'll be back in another month asking "where does the time go?"
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