And you are? Not impressed.

May 25, 2013 12:49

Finally went and watched Star Trek Into Darkness and must say, that was not really what I expected.

The beginning of the movie was really great, they blew the bridge apart (figuratively speaking) with Kirk demoted and Spock transferred. The lines which they chose to go along was great, emphasizing the difference between their characters. Then from out of nowhere came Kahn blowing his way through buildings and people and I was so excited. But from there, it basically just went on failing.

Truth be told, the film was quite entertaining, it was visually incredibly nice, the characters were in place, there were awesome lines (OMG SULUUUUU ♥) and the actors were great. I was very happy to see that Uhura kicked ass into next week and Khan was cold and menacing in a really good way. (Massive kudos to Benedict on the acting.) So, basically, things were rather in place to make an awesome movie. Except for a good plot and good delivery of that plot. And that's where it all went to hell.

Basically, the plot was about as complex as a nail and Khan (with all his OMG so high intelligence and mighty awesome) kept dropping clues like he planned on blowing up the Enterprise by words alone. Basically, there was not a single surprising move in the entire thing. And being so predictable is BAD. It also didn't help that the moment Khan turned himself in the whole movie turned into a remake of Avengers. In which Sherlock is actually Loki. I mean Khan. I mean, wtf. Also, nobody ever runs a background check on this guy. Ever.

I will not say a word about physics and logic because let's just not go there. At all. And when I'm the one telling you that (who couldn't care less about physics in general) then you know it's bad. Also, the entire thing about Khan's blood was this gigantic unnecessary bullshit that served no other reason but to resurrect Kirk for a new movie. And that fight between Khan and Spock? Seriously, like two brawling drunks in a bar, when we have seen earlier that Khan is a fucking Klingon annihilator ninja Rambo on amphetamine.

And then they bring him back alive and WE DON'T GET A SINGLE FUCKING SCENE OF THAT. Or Khan learning that his men actually survived. But there, have this sugar coated all ends well Kirk lives and yay scene. Not a single word about Khan, his crew, or you know, the fact that the Starfleet HQ was razed to the ground and there is a Klingon war threat in the air no thanks to a rogue Admiral responsible for so many deaths it's not even funny. Or you know, when the Enterprise gets shot to hell like, oh, I don't know, FIVE FUCKING TIMES and it's still functional and there are no people dying or piling in stacks in the med bay or nobody ever even asks how many are dead or something. Considering the parallels they were trying hard to draw up between Kirk and Khan, that was more than lousy. While the bridge looked so chill like they were having a tea party a solar system away. Just, I don't know, the human part of it was so missing. And that's why characters remained sketchy at best.

All in all, this is what we would call solid craftsmanship, but nothing more. It is fun to watch, but if you want more than wasting time, it's not really the thing you need. Huge points on the pretty men and women, and Spock and Kirk being so gay I basically went 'And now kiss' in the theatre, and even the Date agreed. Other than that, I'm not very pleased and I will definitely not go to see it again.

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