Title: Home is Where the "cidal" Isn't
Summary: Xander has a weird life indeed.
Disclaimer: characters are not mine, they belong to Joss, and mutant enemy and blah blah blah.
A/N: For the prompt imbroglio at
tamingthemuse .
Xander honestly did not know how his life got so weird. He could try to pin it on one event, one day, like the day Buffy transferred to Sunnydale, or the day the Mayor tried to eat the school, or the day he got possessed by a Hyena. There were really too many days to choose from. His life had been more like a slope of increasing weirdness, and the weirder things got, the less he could tell what normal was supposed to be.
All of his life’s weirdness culminated in this. He was sitting on the couch watching a movie, Spike on one side with a beer that he’d complained about but was drinking anyway, and Drusilla snuggled up to him on his other side. She held a bowl of popcorn in her lap, which Xander would not be eating, because the pink sauce on top? Yeah, not strawberry flavoring.
Spike scooted slightly closer while he pretended not to notice. By the end of the movie Spike would be snuggled up to Xander too, both vampires loved his 98.6 degrees of warmth, not that Spike would ever admit it. Dru giggled at the movie, it was Saw III. Slasher films weren’t really his thing, but they made his vampires happy.
That’s it, that’s when his life had taken the turn for the truly, incomprehensibly weird imbroglio that it was now. Wow, guess some of the SAT words that Willow shoved down his throat senior year stuck. It was the day they found Spike and Dru, huddled up in a crypt, starving. They’d escaped the Initiative, but not before both of them had been chipped.
There’d been no where for them to go, and Spike had begged, actually begged, for the Scoobies to take them in. Xander thought that if Spike had been on his own he wouldn’t have been so helplessly desperate, but the chip had taken away his ability to care for Drusilla, and he couldn’t watch her starve to dust. So, he’d swallowed his pride and begged.
Xander, being the good-hearted idiot that he was, had taken them in. Did he see even a second of the humility or gratefulness that Spike had showed that night ever again? No. The first week he’d been so scared that they would kill him while he was sleeping that he’d tied them up, even knowing that simply stepping on his foot by accident would cause them agonizing pain.
After a while though, things became…disturbingly domestic. Nowadays there was just as much blood in the fridge as food, and the windows had been permanently blacked out. He yelled at Spike for smoking inside, and Drusilla talked to her dolls while Xander was trying to sleep, which had forced him to buy earplugs. Hearing things like “Now Miss Edith, you know cakes must have hearts. Fresh from the flower girl so the stars will not cry,” gave him nightmares.
They’d settled into a little family. As much as Spike insulted him, snarked at him, belittled him, he also made him breakfast when he had to leave early for work. One time, when Xander wrenched his back at the construction site, he’d come home and found Spike chain smoking and completely freaking out because Drusilla had a vision of him getting hurt. The vampires had fussed over him more than his own mother ever bothered to, and it felt good.
So even though his life was totally crazy, and would crumble down around his ears if Spike ever managed to get the chips out, Xander wouldn’t change a thing.
Drusilla giggled at the movie again and Spike scooted another tiny bit closer. Xander looked at the screen, where some guy was getting killed in an especially horrifying way, and smiled.