ok, i've got some more photos to show.
i forgot to compress them first so apologies that they're so big.
these are from the poring hot springs tour we went on yesterday :)
at the poring hot springs there are hot springs (duh) of sulfur. they've piped the hot sulfur water (mixed with colder water so no-one boils themselves) into baths for people to swim and relax in. sulfur baths are meant to be good for healing (a little hard to believe when they smell so bad). paul and i dipped our feet in and they actually did feel really nice for the rest of the day so maybe there's some truth in it.
this is paul and i in front of mount kinabalu - the highest mountain in south east asia. we had stopped at a small town for a toilet break and climbed their clock tower and this lovely japanese man offered to take our photo
this is the suspension bridge we went over in the treetop canopy - rope, metal ladders and some wooden boards lashed on the top :P
oh so safe...
this is the rafflesia princei - the world's largest flower. it only blooms for a week once a year. we saw this one - it was on its' second day of blooming (it gets bigger). it kinda looked like a little mushroom. the locals used to kill the plants because the vines choked other plants but now they've realised that they can get money off tourists if they charge them money to go look at them. so we (half of our tour group - the ones who wanted to) went to this little farm and were lead up this track by a little girl who spoke no english. over a bamboo bridge and up a hill to see this flower. it's only found in sabah and i think part of thailand.