The Adventures of Mr. Paystree - Lips on Fire

Oct 17, 2009 14:52

Disclaimer: Mr. Paystree and Mr. Chicken Floss are created by Vanilla bakery, Kajang. Certain images in this photostory will be credited at the end of the post. The cut text is, of course, courtesy of Gackt. XD

Warning: Weird expressions below. XDD

Mr. Paystree: Hello again! Wait, don't leave - I know I look atrocious, but it's not my fault. How did I get this way, you say? Well, it all started with dinner...

Mr. Paystree: ...where Mr. Chicken Floss, my housemate (remember him?) cooked this really awesome looking yeast curry, with carrot and ginger (he's talented that way, despite his narcoleptic tendencies). So naturally, after a long day at work, who wouldn't want to dive into a big bowl of this? What I didn't know, however, was that -

Mr. Paystree: - he put in a highly significant quantity of sharp red chillies. And ay caramba, they were muy caliente! (and I don't even speak Spanish, what the furnace)

Mr. Paystree: And so now I look like this, huge sexy lips and all. To top it off, my mouth is on FIRE!!!!

Mr. Paystree: Need. Water. NOW. Chicken Floss, this is all your fault!!!!

Mr. Chicken Floss: Zzz...


Credit for the second and third images belong to their respective photographers and can be found at these links:

the adventures of mr. paystree

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