Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What exotic animal would
beaner_msu like as a pet? maybe a liger
2) Thoughts on
knothie01? she is going to be a good teacher
3) What would
beaner_msu give
kzooktw for his/her birthday? ummm...a candle
4) Is
klyanke a college student? yes
5) Is
davecharb0909 an emo? umm no
6) If
hdh810 took over the world, who would suffer? criminals cuz hse is going to be a lawyer
7) If
davecharb0909 took over the world, who would be happy? musicians
8) What rank would
kzooktw have in a giant robot army? Leutenant
9) What would you do if
ziggy40401 died? cry
10) Does
rusticspiral have a dog? i dont remember
11) Does
kristygurl2001 smoke? no ewwie
12) Do
hdh810 and
crazyrocker2006 go to the same school? haha
13) Would you ever date
crazyrocker2006? ok thats just wrong he is my bro
14) Which of your friends should
rdwingfan20 go out with? none he is engaged
15) If
rdwingfan20 had a superpower, what would it be? he could shoot out pucks from his hands
16) What is
kristygurl2001's favorite color? pink!
17) What is
knothie01's shoe size? lol maybe a 9
ziggy40401's eye color? lol ask kristy
19) Is
ziggy40401 1337? huh???
20) Is
ziggy40401 dead sexy? oh yeah...sarcasm
21) Where was
klyanke born? in the armpit of america..ohio
22) Could you see
punisher370 and
klyanke together? lol not so much
23) Does
rusticspiral know
kristygurl2001? yes of course
24) How long would
rdwingfan20 dating
beaner_msu last? i dont get this question
25) Does
punisher370 have a crush on
kzooktw? hahaha maybe her boobs
26) How many monkeys could
klyanke fight at once and win against? 5
27) What would you do if you found out
crazyrocker2006 has a crush on you? ok again grosse with the brother lovin
28) What is
punisher370's favorite game? lol i dunno but i recall some dance dance revolution in the past...and euchure
29) Does
crazyrocker2006 have a big secret? yes...he is was abducted by aliens
30) Is
knothie01 in a relationship? i think so