two weeks until i am done! while i am sad i am also excited. i mean...i wont have the luxury of drinking on a monday and not having to worry about it. but i am tired of research and papers and grades. but i will miss the plethora of girls at every turn. oh well time to turn over a new leaf. more thoughts of college in the coming days
Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity
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spider9648's LJ stalker is princess__sara!princess__sara is stalking you because your LiveJournal is just SO damned interesting. They are also mentally deranged!
so today i finally turned in the rough draft of my 20+ page senior thesis. ya! so what did i do to celebrate? i bought a pound of ground chuck from inboden's and made a 1lb. burger. for those of you who don't know much of ground beef, ground chuck is 80/20, which means 80% meat and 20% fat. yeah that was a juicy flavorful burger ever! woo!
last saturday i went out with dawn to her alpha phi sorority formal. that was fun it was at the white eagle country club in aurora. we did some pre-drinking. that turned out to be a bad idea. going down I-88 on a school bus going 55 mph was no fun. i literally had to call people so it would take my mind off of the pressure. we got there and it was
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