
Jul 07, 2012 07:28

Welcome to the kink meme for The Amazing Spider Man. The rules are simple and if you've been around all the other Marvel related kink memes, you might have seen them around.

  • Please be civil and respectful toward one another. There is a zero tolerance policy for prompts and/or comments that contain personal attacks or hate speech.
  • Similarly, there is also a zero tolerance policy for disrespecting characters, pairings, or kinks. Prompts that contain character/pairing-bashing will be deleted. YKINMK (Your Kink Is Not My Kink) is in full effect here.
  • Also, if you see anyone who breaks the rules (thread or comments) please alert the mods at the Ask A-Mod post . Don't take matters into your own hands.
  • Anonymous commenting is enabled, IP logging is disabled, and I have turned off the spamblocker feature, so no one will have to worry about their prompts/comments getting lost. But going anon is ultimately, your choice.
  • If the thread is getting all sideways and hard to read, it is recommended you start anew for the conveniences of others.
  • Keep the chatter on comments to a minimum. Please direct any/all comments not related to prompts/fills to the Discussion Post .

  • One prompt per comment.
  • Remember the subject line. This is very important for archival purposes.You can refer below as to how you can format your subject line.
  • Please include trigger warnings in subject lines. Again with the YKINMK. Some things may be offensive to others, what may not be to you. You must warn for: non-con/rape, dub-con, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, abuse, character death, eating disorders, torture, incest, racism, slavery, homophobia, bullying, ableism, transphobia, misogyny, and underage. (If there is a trigger that you think should be added to this list, please let me know and I will add it.)
  • Prompts can be filled as many times as you'd like. It doesn't mean that if the prompt has been already filled, you should tuck your fill away. We want to get as many fills as we can get.
  • Please refrain from reposting prompts from earlier rounds. Prompts that are similar to earlier prompts are fine as long as there are noticeable differences in the details/plot/kinks that the OP wants.
  • Crossposting is fine. Just as long as you've cleared it with the OP/are the OP and have already cleared it with the filler.
  • If the prompt doesn't contain a prompt (i.e. There needs to be more fics on Andrews ass!) they will be deleted. No excuses.
  • Prompting runs in rounds. Right now, the plan is to have the rounds reach their limit by 5000 comments. Once a round 'closes', it merely means that no new prompts are allowed. Stuff like feedbacks, +1, and fills are.

  • Put [FILL] in the subject line.
  • Fills can be anything: fics, art, fanmixes, etc.
  • Fills must be posted publicly. Do not link to a locked entry. Multiple infractions of this rule will result in a ban from the meme.
  • Link to images/NSFW images. Do not embed them. We don't want people to get into trouble, right?
  • Prompts can be filled multiple times. No limits, so go crazy!
  • Warn for triggers.
  • Please link your fills to the Fills post.

Formatting Prompts
  • Alphabetize pairings.
  • Anyone who's been featured prominently in the Spider man universe -- allies and villains alike, in comics, cartoons, or movies -- is allowed.
  • Put [RPF] before RPF prompts. Put [Crossover] before crossover prompts.
  • Please use this format: Gwen/Peter Picnic in the park ; Ben/Peter, AU, Ben catches Peter getting himself into fight cages [SUICIDAL THOUGHTS] Prompt subject lines must include the gist of the prompt, not just the pairing.
  • If you just want to prompt and you don't care what characters are used, slot "Any" in. This can also be used in a pairing context - Any/Peter.
  • Names to be used when prompting are:


All in all, we just want you guys to have fun! Enjoy!


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