Wed, 22:51: RT @ AllHailNu: They really need to get rid of 5 day work weeks because this isn’t life. This is crazy. We should not be working majority of…
Tue, 20:38: RT @ hmnunn: Calling a 15 or 20 week abortion “late term” is another way for anti-abortion people to scare the uninformed and shame pregnant…
Mon, 20:47: RT @ girldrawsghosts: “you can’t cast a Black actress as-” shut the fuck up, in the original movie a crab with a Jamaican accent serenades…
Fri, 15:47: RT @ ashleychadamoyo: The term “Rest in Power” was made for Black people who were killed unlawfully, not for a woman who sat on a throne mad…
Wed, 12:18: RT @ EricG1247: A nuclear spy appointed 226 federal judges and 3 Supreme Court Justices.
Wed, 12:18: RT @ Lubchansky: every couple months there's a big report that some neonazi org is full of cops, enlisted military, etc etc,and nothing happ…