The Lake Legacy Heir Poll
Cordelia Lake
Cordelia means "Of The Sea"
Good, Insane, Genius, Neurotic, and Good Sense of Humor.
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon
[Cordelia is the eldest, she is single, and she is absolutely crazy]
Wade Lake
Wade means "cross the water"
Hopeless Romantic, Evil, Grumpy, Perceptive, and Handy.
LTW: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
[Wade is the middle child, dating Irma Ashton, and despicably evil]
Zared Lake
Zared means "Brook"
Dramatic, Absent-minded, Heavy Sleeper, Athletic, and Excitable.
LTW: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
[Zared is single, has the most diverse genetics, and is the youngest]
Poll Gen 2 Heir Poll