↳Name: Cati
djcati↳Contact: djcati13 (AIM)
↳Characters: none here
↳Name: Ben Skywalker, v2 (crossed with Digimon)
↳Canon: Star Wars (/Digimon)
Wookieepedia ↳Character Notes: For this 'verse, most of the Solo/Skywalker clan (plus a bunch of extra Star Wars EU characters) have been transplanted to America (California, but nothing more specific than that). They all grew up and lived their lives there, though relative timelines have been messed with a little: Ben was born just two years after his cousin Anakin instead of sixteen, and Ahsoka Tano (from The Clone Wars) is in the same age range as this group.
A brief summary of the previous generations: Anakin Skywalker and his mother immigrated in the Forties from Europe, lived in poverty, Anakin went off at age fourteen or so to apprentice to a man called Ben Kenobi to learn a trade. He got involved with a politician at about twenty, but disappeared before his kids were born -- everyone thought he'd died, but he'd been falling in with the criminal underworld for a while now and it all came to a head, changed his name, moved to Chicago, yada yada twenty years later. The twins' mother had died in childbirth and they'd been adopted by separate families: Luke, by his father's step-brother in Kansas; Leia, by a rich liberal family. Leia was a college freshman active for any cause she could find (anti-war? check; starving kids in Africa? check; EVERY TIME YOU DROP LITTER, GOD KILLS A KITTEN? check), while Luke was, of course, apprenticed to Ben Kenobi in the same trade as his father. Han Solo was the older bad boy who convinced Leia to drop college and go on a cross-country road trip when her adoptive father died, and they picked up Luke hitch-hiking after his aunt and uncle died in a fire. Ben Kenobi was a little :| at Luke running away and followed the gang to Chicago, where there was an epic soap opera showdown with the mob boss "Darth Vader" -- REVEALED TO BE NONE OTHER THAN ANAKIN SKYWALKER, FATHER OF LUKE AND LEIA. Dramatic. Even moreso when the old man choked it because of a huge accident Anakin had caused, which brought about enough angst for a classic redemption. He used his profits from previous criminal activities to relocate to California with his kids, where Han and Leia soon married, and Luke met Mara Jade ... in a strip club. (Han's bachelor party.)
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, a group of kids from Tokyo had a couple adventures in the Digital World in 1999 and 2002.
It's now 2004. Han and Leia have three kids: the twins Jason and Jaina, aged fourteen and a half and freshmen in high school; and thirteen-year-old Anakin Solo, an eighth-grade computer nerd. Ben Skywalker is Luke and Mara's only child, a smart but excitable eleven-year-old. Friends of the group include Tahiri Veila, a twelve-year-old orphan currently being fostered by the Skywalkers; Ahsoka Tano, Ben's classmate and often rival (they're frenemies); and Jag Fel, the enigmatic fifteen-year-old British exchange student on whom Jaina has a crush. Then there's the mysterious Vestara Khai. No one knows much about her. But she's not linked to the weird girl taking over the Digital World, right?
(Anakin Skywalker owns a repair shop, where he does more complaining about the state of the world today than any actual repairing.)
Jason and Jaina were part of the group of international Digidestined in 2002, as was Jag, though they don't know this about each other. They and Anakin know about the Digital World already (though Anakin's never been), but the rest of the kids? They're brand new to this world-saving business. Their cellphones will be transformed into Digivices shortly, at which point, uh, things will proceed kind of like a rehash of the first couple arcs of Adventure 02 (but with the 01 style of Digivolution, and crests rather than Digieggs). But for now, they're still concerned with homework and exams and who has crushes on who.
Ben's a fairly typical pre-teen boy: he copes well enough with school, but is much more interested in spies and comics and video games. (He's also trying to get his cousin Anakin to teach him programming, but neither boy is quite mature enough for a teacher/student thing yet.) His favourite slang word is "astral", because no one else is saying it (although as much as his cousins roll their eyes at it, they've started picking it up, too). He usually dresses in sneakers, cargo shorts, and a t-shirt (often plain, occasionally with a TV/movie reference) with a short-sleeved shirt over the top. And then there's the goggles, an astral pair of flight goggles his grandpa gave him a few years ago -- apparently, they used to belong to Ben Kenobi, the guy this Ben is named after. He wears them most of the time (except at the dinner table; his mom complains), partly because they look cool, and partly because they keep his hair out of his eyes. That way, his mom doesn't notice so much when he needs a haircut. (Ben hates haircuts.)
Canon-ish, nine-years-old;
canon-ish, thirteen (both
Cracktastic, eleven/twelve (
a short ficlet in this 'verse, as much for me as for this app (to solidify a couple things in my mind, etc).