tell me a story
I'll start it:
Once upon a time there was a fish named Moopy
Gabriel...Moopy got his name from the sound he always made "moop, moop" while he slept. A unfortunate result of an encouter with a( n ) {you fill in here}
short-necked giraffe named Igor. For a short-necked giraffe, Igor had quite a hump. Unfortunately, Moopy made a comment, and Igor "mooped" him...that's why he makes the sound....anyway, Moopy was swimming along the promenade one day when suddenly out of no where, a magical electric mixer appeared to him and said "I shall grant you two and three-quarter wishes" Moopy at first very excited, suddenly exclaimed "Why two and three-quater wishes?" to this the magical electrical mixer named the proctor of Silex, Sil for short, replied "I am a magical electric mixer and that was your first question??" Moopy accepted this and did not pursue the three-quarter wish thing. He pondered and pondered until finally he came up with his first wish..."I want to have a Starfish Platinum, triple extra, ultra-slimming, points plus award credit card with no limit that I never have to pay for" done said Sil...and Moopy was very happy because he went and bought a whole bunch of kick ass CD's and crazy exotic trendy stuff on the internet. All this was great...until repo-people came to re-possses his pineapple under the sea since he didn't pay for any of his purchase. Very angry he went to see Sil and said "Sil, what happened I thought I didn't have to pay" To which Sil of course replied "you never asked for it to be paid for you. That's fifteen-sixteenths of a wish down" for his next wish
for his next wish, Moopy decided he would go all out nuts and asked Sil for a spaceship that would take him to Vulcan. Sil said "you crazy fish, there's no such place" but Moopy opened up his book on the Island of Nabumbu, and said "sure there is" so they said the magic words of "Traguna, macotes, tracorum satus dee" and then Moopy was on his way to Vulcan to see all the Vulcans. It was a nice day...Moopy had a good time. But back on earth, Moopy's pineapple house was being shredded, and he'd still only used eleventytrillion sixtepencybillionths of a wish..
So Moopy put on his silver pair of hot-pink sneaker-heels and went a gallopping along the promenade under the sea to wear the sponges grow thick like spaghetti sauce. Sil followed, slumpily. Once they reached the part in the sponge-a-forium where the sponges grow tall like moonslushes, Moopy turned to Sil and said, for another seventy-sixth of a wish, I would like you to give my super-fins, so that I might swim faster than any other fish in the sea. Sil said "sure -- kazaam!"...and it was so. But Moopy didn't realize that with great power came great responsibility, for as soon as he began swimming with his super-powered wings, all of the other fish were shoved away by the tremendous power in his wings. They were hurt a little. Moopy felt bad. Sil laughed a little, and they continued on their trek...(your turn)
Gabriel.. Moopy finally decided that he was going to do the the right thing and founded and alternative media alliance, promoting equality in all species and gender of fish. This media alliance composed all forms of media with the mian goal of questioning existing societal structures and finally ended up changing the way that society ran. One day Sil came to Moopy, now at the centre of the new societal structure and made the remark that "As you are now at the centre of the societal structure has your alternative media source not become mainstream?". Moopy not wanting ot hear such things decided to pull the plug and the Silex of Proctor lay there dead. With that, Moopy exclaimed "you don't mess with alternative"
The End (?)
Oscar please
for you and I!
It is a good story....about a wonderful fish who finds a magic electrical mixer