Some fiction ideas.
I've been kind of obsessed with writing things that have song lyrics as descriptions.
So I will put some nice snippets here that are potential projects.
“I’m ready to go right now.”
“I want to make you move because you’re standing still”
“I’d like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly.”
“Don’t shootshootshoot that thing at me.”
I know they seem random, but they kinda really random, but snippets like these from songs inspire me. I guess. The last one will probably be funny...or have something to do with a gun. :DD:
And I have a few from Lady Gaga. She is so amazing, and I don't care what ANYONE says, she fucking rawcks.
“Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun”
And If you haven't heard Monster yet, are missing out. That's my latest project. A HaynerRoxas to the tune of Monster by Lady Gaga. I've had to redo it like 4 times.... LAWL.
Kthnxbye. I know you won't comment or try to talk to me, which kinda sucks, because I post and post and no one talks to me. I feel lame D: