if you could count for a year, would you get to infinity or somewhere in that vicinity?

Nov 03, 2010 14:36

Important mathematical question!!!

If two angles whose absolute values added together equal ninety degrees are complementary, and two angles whose absolute values added together equal 180 degrees, what are two angles whose absolute values are 360?

Consumment: not a word yet but it should be!! Plus it sounds like the angles are having sex and I find that funny.

mid-15c., from L. consummatus "perfected, complete," pp. of consummare "sum up, complete" (see consummation).

late 14c., "completion," from L. consummationem (nom. consummatio), from consummat-, pp. stem of consummare "to sum up, finish," from com- "together" (see com-) + summa "sum, total," from summus "highest" (see sum).

suffix forming nouns, originally from Fr. and representing L. -mentum, which was added to verb stems sometimes to represent the result or product of the action. Used with English verb stems from 16c. (e.g. merriment, which also illustrates the habit of turning -y to -i- before this suffix).

Subsidiment: also does not exist but adding -ment to words is fun!

1540s, from M.Fr. subsidiaire, from L. subsidiarius "serving to assist or supplement," from subsidium "help, aid" (see subsidy).

late 14c., from Anglo-Fr. subsidie, from O.Fr. subside "help, aid, contribution," from L. subsidium "help, aid, assistance, (military) reinforcements," from sub "behind, near" (see sub-) + sedere "to sit"

Addendument is not actually a very good word for this but it's fun to say!

1794, "something added," from L. addendum, neut. of addendus "that which is to be added," gerundive of addere (see add). Plural form is addenda.

Codicilment. I didn't even know that word existed until a minute ago.

Codicil ([kod-uh-suhl]
a supplement to a will, containing an addition, explanation, modification, etc., of something in the will.
any supplement; appendix.

early 15c., from M.Fr. codicille, from L. codicillus "a short writing, a small writing tablet," dim. of codex (gen. codicis), see code.

Appendment: idk I just like the sound of it. Sort of like amendment, but with m's. And chill.

1640s, "to hang on, attach as a pendant," from L. appendere "to cause to hang (from something), weigh," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + pendere "hang" (see pendant). Meaning "to attach as an appendix" is first recorded 1843. Related: Appended; appending.

Capacitant: again idk I just like it.

early 15c., from M.Fr. capacité (15c.), from L. capacitatem (nom. capacitas) "breadth, capacity," from capax (gen. capacis) "able to hold much," from capere "to take" (see capable).

suffix forming adjectives from nouns or verbs, from Fr. -ent and directly from L. -entem, prp. ending of verbs in -ere/-ire. O.Fr. changed many to -ant but after c.1500 some of these in English were changed back to what was supposed to be correct Latin.

Correlant: it can't help having bland meaning. D:

1560s, from M.Fr. corrélation, from cor- "together" (see com-) + relation (see relation).

Poll Important Mathematical Concept!
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