Anyone got their SN on their profile? Had a round of bot weirdness today. Convo posted below.
IH8AznFags (11:08:00 PM): someone has been posting your friends only entries here: (11:09:37 PM): lovely
IH8AznFags (11:10:25 PM): huh.
IH8AznFags (11:10:44 PM): but i never answered your question; i'm eric honour. who are you?
GrinALiscious (11:10:56 PM): ?!
IH8AznFags (11:11:19 PM): ?!...?
GrinALiscious (11:11:46 PM): well, you link me to some kind of goatse virus site that tries to send out a bunch of email, and then give me a name
GrinALiscious (11:12:41 PM): your actions are trollish, yet your words are not. Very odd.
IH8AznFags (11:12:46 PM): no, you sent me that link
GrinALiscious (11:13:29 PM): definitely not.
IH8AznFags (11:13:34 PM): it is possible that a bot logged in from somewhere else on your screen name, sent that to me, and then left (which would be when my IM appeared to you)
GrinALiscious (11:13:46 PM): I think that's the case
GrinALiscious (11:14:03 PM): (I have to admit, your SN doesn't do you much credit tho)
GrinALiscious (11:14:41 PM): or does my SN appear as *I*H8Azn*Fags* to you?
IH8AznFags (11:14:53 PM): i'd hope so - i'd rather not think that you took the trouble to trick me into going to such a site (and i'll admit, i did go to it); likewise, i'd rather not think that you believe that i would try to send you to such a site, as i generally make a point of avoiding such childish internet wankery
IH8AznFags (11:15:21 PM): no, your sn appears as 'grinaliscious'
IH8AznFags (11:15:26 PM): how does mine appear to you?
GrinALiscious (11:15:40 PM): IH8AznFags
GrinALiscious (11:15:54 PM): (I hate fags?)
IH8AznFags (11:16:01 PM): that's it
IH8AznFags (11:16:10 PM): where did that come from?
GrinALiscious (11:16:29 PM): sorry, with the site it sounded like leetspeeak for "I hate fags"
GrinALiscious (11:16:48 PM): (although I don't know what the Azn would be for)
IH8AznFags (11:16:49 PM): yeah
GrinALiscious (11:17:10 PM): anyway, that's really weird that it got my LJ name though, spiffystuff. Gruh, maybe it's a nasty LJ bot
IH8AznFags (11:17:17 PM): i have no idea what the site was about, i was busy trying to get it to go away before it opened up too many windows and crashed the computer
GrinALiscious (11:17:23 PM): (lj-AIM bot?)
IH8AznFags (11:17:27 PM): it got your lj name?
IH8AznFags (11:17:33 PM): what's your lj name?
GrinALiscious (11:17:40 PM): the link was for ...
GrinALiscious (11:17:49 PM): spiffystuff
GrinALiscious (11:18:09 PM): or did it give you a different one?
IH8AznFags (11:18:18 PM): huh
IH8AznFags (11:18:23 PM): mine was for
IH8AznFags (11:18:34 PM): yeah, it sent me one using my lj name
GrinALiscious (11:18:57 PM): grah! Devious!
GrinALiscious (11:19:07 PM): >< perhaps this should be reported to LJ abuse
IH8AznFags (11:19:21 PM): very
GrinALiscious (11:19:34 PM): well, sorry about that then
IH8AznFags (11:19:45 PM): probably should
IH8AznFags (11:19:48 PM): no, no, not a problem
IH8AznFags (11:19:55 PM): such incidents fascinate me more than annoy
GrinALiscious (11:20:05 PM): bleh. My friends got a much funnier bot
GrinALiscious (11:20:13 PM): it changed their SNs to "hatofdarkness"
IH8AznFags (11:20:30 PM): does he?
IH8AznFags (11:20:35 PM): your friend knows shit
IH8AznFags (11:20:37 PM): we do not seem to have any friends in common
GrinALiscious (11:20:55 PM): nope, totalyl random
IH8AznFags (11:21:41 PM): strange
GrinALiscious (11:28:04 PM): well LJ is very slow for me, but I take it you have your SN displayed?
IH8AznFags (11:28:35 PM): yes
IH8AznFags (11:29:05 PM): as do you - or i thought you did, but it seems that the one in your profile is not this one
GrinALiscious (11:30:18 PM): no, It shoudl be
Uck, okay, just to make sure this bot isn't swapping names or something, the one in my profile is G-r-i-n-A-L-i-s-c-i-o-u-s
GrinALiscious (11:30:29 PM): (and also the one displayed here?)
IH8AznFags (11:31:30 PM): the one in your profile is g-r-i-n-a-l-i-s-c-i-o-u-s
IH8AznFags (11:31:49 PM): the one that is showing up as i talk to you now is i-l-u-v-c-a-l-c-u-l-a-t-o-r-s-2
GrinALiscious (11:33:47 PM): ooh, the one I see for you is I-H-8-A-z-n-F-a-g-s
GrinALiscious (11:33:58 PM): curiouser and curiouser
IH8AznFags (11:36:22 PM): weird
IH8AznFags (11:36:31 PM): yeah, it's supposed to be m-a-n-i-n-a-c-a-n-2-4-7-0
GrinALiscious (11:38:29 PM): Ah. A much better sn :p
IH8AznFags (11:39:52 PM): why thank you
IH8AznFags (11:40:22 PM): this seems too bizarre for a bot
GrinALiscious (11:41:18 PM): I don't know, I've heard of the SN swapping thing before
IH8AznFags (11:42:36 PM): i haven't - though admittedly i haven't researched bots much
GrinALiscious (11:43:20 PM): mostly just anything external messing with things instead of something nasty living on your computer
GrinALiscious (11:43:36 PM): I think someone with entirely too much time on their hands could make a bot that does this
IH8AznFags (11:43:42 PM): yeah
IH8AznFags (11:43:47 PM): just a strange motivation
IH8AznFags (11:44:00 PM): i'd assumed that the site i was sent to was a joke of the sort that many of my friends would pull
GrinALiscious (11:44:00 PM): it's not nearly as funny as hatofdarkness
GrinALiscious (11:44:22 PM): ah -- btw, is your warning level connected with this at all?
IH8AznFags (11:45:22 PM): i just im'd you directly
IH8AznFags (11:45:40 PM): as g-r-i-n-a-l-i-s-c-i-o-u-s rather than as i-l-u-v-c-a-l-c-u-l-a-t-o-r-s
IH8AznFags (11:45:51 PM): oh, i'm sure it is possible, i'm just confused by why anyone would
IH8AznFags (11:45:59 PM): do tell
IH8AznFags (11:46:23 PM): i was unaware that i had a warning level
IH8AznFags (11:46:26 PM): is it high at the moment?
GrinALiscious (11:46:50 PM): nah, just 24% What about mine?
IH8AznFags (11:47:23 PM): none that i can see
An interesting bit of social engineering. I imagine if we'd warned/banned each other right off the bat it would have translated to our actual AIM accounts?