bad add

Dec 20, 2006 10:23

As seen on Amazon:


admittedly, the thing that got me to pay attention to it was the baby photo. I don't know exactly why, but it bothers me. I like babies as much as I like any other person (that is to say, depends completely on the subject in question) but I tend to dislike using AWW BABIES as a visual advertising ploy as much as I dislike using WOW BOOBIES as one :P
That and, well... I don't think the kid is UGLY but that particular shot juswt looks... lame.

Okay, but whatever. Can you see the part that made me grab it and repost it?
"Priceless stamps. Now just $17.99"

Gosh, sure looks like they have a price to me.

Almost as bad when people say "literally" when they mean "figuratively, with emphasis" (ie, I kid you not, there was a woman on the radio who kept going on about how "this guy was literally being raked over hot coals!" [talking about how someone was being interrogated by some press or something]. She kept saying "literally!!" Aggggggg!)
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