does this need a title?

Dec 28, 2006 02:45

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Comments 4

luminousepinoia December 28 2006, 13:21:35 UTC
Very Christmasy picture(!)

Nice font, which one is it?


luminousepinoia December 28 2006, 14:25:12 UTC
it's green and red!!

whatever you had preset on your PSP... but it was ort of what I was looking for, saved me the time of browsing all your million fonts!


entropicalia December 28 2006, 14:32:43 UTC
what is that picture?? i can't make it out.


spiggy_23 December 28 2006, 17:25:52 UTC
It's a guy holding a telly, made it negative etc... was a concert picture from 1992 of a band called "The Disposable Heroes of Hiphopracy"


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