lato spike'a: dzień 28

Jul 19, 2010 23:04

Ponieważ ostatnio było bardzo ponuro i poważnie, postanowiłam wziąć się za tę jaśniejszą stronę Spike'a. W końcu kochamy go nie tylko za to, jaki jest demonicznie i mrocznie seksowny!

Spike - jak chyba wszyscy główni bohaterowie BtVS i AtS - pełni okazjonalnie rolę jedynego w swoim rodzaju comic relief i, co tu dużo mówić, robi to fenomenalnie. A czy TY masz już swoją ulubioną scenę komediową?

1. Willow, akademik i dojmująca niemożność

Spike : I don't understand. This sort of thing's never happened to me before. (He's sitting on Willow's bed.)
Willow : Maybe you were nervous.
Spike : I felt all right when I started. Let's try again. (He leaps on her and draws back immediatly. He tries again and the same thing happens.) Ow! Oh! Ow! Damn it! (He gets up and kicks the dresser. He starts to pace around the room.)
Willow : Maybe you're trying too hard. Doesn't this happen to every vampire?
Spike : Not to me, it doesn't!
Willow : It's me, isn't it?
Spike : What are you talking about?
Willow : Well, you came looking for Buffy, then settled. I--I... You didn't want to bite me. I just happened to be around.
Spike : Piffle!
Willow : I know I'm not the kind of girl vamps like to sink their teeth into. It's always like, "ooh, you're like a sister to me," or, "oh, you're such a good friend."
Spike : Don't be ridiculous. I'd bite you in a heartbeat.
Willow : Really?
Spike sits on her bed again.
Spike : Thought about it.
Willow : When?
Spike : Remember last year, you had on that... Fuzzy pink number with the lilac underneath?
Willow : I never would have guessed. You played the blood-lust kinda cool.
Spike : Mmm. I hate being obvious. All fang-y and "rrrr!" Takes the mystery out.
Willow : But if you could...
Spike : If I could, yeah.
Willow : You know, this doesn't make you any less terrifying.
Spike : Don't patronize me.

2. Walka z kukiełkowym Angelem

Spike: (barges into the office) Hello, big guy! Need another car. Afraid this last one ended up in the drink... (stops in mid-thought when he sees puppet Angel sitting at the desk)
Puppet Angel:(anxiously) Spike...
Spike: (staring) Look at you.
Puppet Angel: (gesturing with his hands) Just turn around and walk away.
Spike: (still staring) You're a-
Puppet Angel: Spike!
Spike: (starts laughing uncontrollably) You're a bloody puppet!
Angel launches from his chair at Spike, knocking them through the office windows and into the lobby.
Angel attacks Spike, wringing his neck. They fight, rolling around on the floor, while Spike can't stop laughing at him.
Spike: (laughs) You're a wee, little puppet man! (Angel punches Spike in the face) Ow! (laughs; Angel punches Spike in the face harder) Ow! Hey! That's enough. (pushes puppet Angel off of him, throwing him high into the air) (Angel lands on his feet, glaring at Spike) Angel, what the hell happened to you? (gets to his feet) You look ridiculous.
Puppet Angel: Get out of here, Spike.
Harmony: Oh, my God. Angel, you're a-
Puppet Angel: (points at Harmony) Shut up! (looks around the lobby, realizes everyone's staring at him) What are you people looking at? Well? (the employees back off, frightened)
Spike: (turns, smirks) They're looking at the wee, little puppet man.

3. Pochwała walki ze złem

Spike: What's this? Sitting around watching the telly while there's evil still a foot. (Turns the TV off) That's not very industrious of you. I say we go out there (Rubs his hands together) and kick a little demon ass! (Xander and Willow stare at him) What, can't go without your Buffy, is that it? To chicken? Let's find her! She is the Chosen One after all. Come on! Vampires! Grrr! Nasty! Let's annihilate them. For justice - and for - the safety of puppies... and Christmas, right? Let's *fight* that evil! - Let's *kill* something! (Fade to black) Oh, come *on*!

4. Mountain Dew

Angel: (pulls the stake out of his shoulder) Spike, wait.(Spike picks up the cup) Wait.(Spike rolls his eyes) That's not a prize you're holding.(Spike looks at Angel) It's not a trophy. It's a burden. It's a cross.(Angel stands) One you're gonna have to bear till it burns you to ashes. Believe me. I know.(Spike puts the cup back on the pedestal and looks at Angel) So ask yourself: Is this really the destiny that was meant for you? Do you even really want it? Or is it that you just want to take something away from me?
Spike: (shrugs) Bit of both.(drinks from the cup)
Angel: (lunges to try to stop him, but too late) Spike?
Spike: (drops the cup, stares at Angel, bewildered) I-it's... Mountain Dew.

5. Dziewczynka z zapałkami

Spike : Help me. (Buffy shoves him back and he goes tumbling.) Ohh! What part of help me do you not understand?
Buffy : The part where I help you.
Spike : Come on, I'm parboiling out here.
Buffy : (Giles hands her a stake.) Want me to help make it quicker?
Spike : Invite me in.
Giles : No. It's fairly unlikely.
Spike : Oh, damn it! look, I'm safe. I can't bite anyone. Willow, tell' em what I did.
Willow : You said you were gonna kill me, then Buffy.
Spike : Yes, bad, but let's skip that part and get to the part where I couldn't bite you.
Willow : It's true. He had trouble perfoing.
Spike : Yeah, well, it looks like they've done me for good. Um...
Buffy : What are you saying?
Spike : I'm saying that spike had a little trip to the vet and now he doesn't chase the other puppies anymore. I can't bite anything. I can't even hit people.
Buffy : So you haven't murdered anybody lately? Let's be best pals.

6. Z planami małżeńskimi

Buffy: It's just so sudden. I don't know what to say.
Spike: Just say yes, and make me the happiest man on earth.
Buffy: Oh, Spike! Of course it's yes!

7. Astronauci kontra jaskiniowcy

Spike: It's bollocks, Angel! It's your brand of bollocks from the first to last.
Angel: No, you can't ever see the big picture. You can't see any picture!
Spike: I am talking about something primal. Right? Savagery. Brutal animal instinct.
Angel: And that wins out every time with you. You know, the human race has evolved, Spike!
Spike: Oh, into a bunch of namby-pamby, self-analyzing wankers who could never hope to-
Angel: We're bigger. We're smarter. Plus, there's a thing called teamwork, not to mention the superstitious terror of your pure aggressors!
Spike: You just want it to be the way you want it to be.
Angel: It's not about what I want!
Wesley:(walks up to the office door) Sorry. Is this something we should all be discussing?
Angel: (embarrassed to be caught by Wes, backs away from Spike) No.
Wesley: It just...sounds a little serious.
Angel: It was mostly...theoretical. We...
Spike:(calmly) We were just working out a b- (passionate again) Look, if cavemen and astronauts got into a fight, who would win? (crosses his arms and looks expectantly at Wes)
Wesley: Ah. You've been yelling at each other for 40 minutes about this? Do the astronauts have weapons?
Angel & Spike:(simultaneously) No.

8. Patrzenie na Angela z góry

Spike in high voice: How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing? (low voice) No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. (Rachel steps closer to Angel, and Angel steps back warding her off with his hands) No, not the hair! Never the hair! (high voice) But there must be someway I can show my appreciation. (low voice) No, helping those in need's my job, - and working up a load of sexual tension, and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough! (high voice) I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so...(low voice) Say no more. Evil's still afoot! And I'm almost out of that Nancy-boy hair-gel that I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away!

9. Passions

Spike: (v.o.) "Passions" is on! Timmy's down the bloody well, and if you make me miss it, I'll...
Giles: (Yells to Spike) You'll do what? Lick me to death?

Poll Spike komediowy

A może po prostu uważacie, że jakaś scena, o której nie pomyślałam, była absolutnie cudowna i nie może jej zabraknąć, kiedy śmiejemy się kolektywnie ze Spike'a?

EDIT: Ponieważ jestem młotem i nie zauważyłam, że umknęła mi z ankiety jedna opcja, fanów Passions uprzejmie uprasza się o głosowanie na ostatnią opcję i nakrzyczenie na mnie w komentarzu za gapiostwo

btvs: sezon 4, ats: sezon 1, cytat, picspam, ats: sezon 5, ankieta

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