Name: Spike / William the Bloody
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel the Series
Gender: Male
Age: 160, thereabouts. Looks to be in his mid twenties though.
Time Period: Post AtS Season 5.
Wing Color: White
Here. Have fun reading. Personality:
"So when do we destroy the world, already?"
Long story short, think Alex from Clockwork Orange. With or without the behavioral modification chip in his head Spike thrives on violence. If he can kill humans, he kill humans. When the Initiative installed a chip in his head that prevents him from doing so, he is willing to help out with Buffy and her friends for some demon-hunting. Of course, even if he enjoys it, he is not going to do it for free. Since Buffy is willing to pay for his muscle, hell yes he'd take it.
"We like to talk big... vampires do. "I'm going to destroy the world." That's just tough-guy talk. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I _like_ this world. You've racing, Manchester United. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here."
But despite his violent tendencies, Spike is pragmatic. He likes the world, he likes unliving, and he sure doesn't want to destroy the world and drag everything into a hell dimension. He has his drugs, sex and rock n' roll, coupled with a good source of food. Being a vampire, Spike is on the top of the food chain and he enjoys being there. There are vampires who lurk around in alleys being menacing, there are those with an obsession for rituals and traditions, Spike will tell them all to sod off and then go off to catch the rerun of Passions.
"Every Slayer has a death wish. Even you."
That said, Spike is no idiot. He is extremely perceptive (years of unliving tend to do that to some) and is able to see through most pretensions put up by others. His blindspot, however, seems to be centered around himself and his relationship with his women. Or perhaps he is simply too in love with Drusilla to acknowledge her indiscretions and infidelity. Nevertheless, it won't be fair on him to say that he has not matured at all over the course of the TV series. In the final season of BtVS, before the Hellmouth collapses around them, Buffy tells Spike that she loves him. He, however, is mature and logical enough to recognize that she doesn't, but that doesn't change his feelings for her, and neither does it stop him from sacrificing himself in order to save the world.
"I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
It may be interesting to note that before he became a vampire, Spike goes by the name of William Pratt, or William The Bloody Awful Poet. He spends most of his time taking care of his aged mother, and writing poetry dedicated to his unrequited lady love, Cecily. Even after being turned, he still is a romantic deep down, believing in undying love and poetic verses. (Even if you excuse him abandoning his middle-upper class mannerisms to take on a cockney accent and attitude.) In fact, when Angel gave the rest of the gang a day off before they fight to avert (yet another) Apocalypse, Spike spent his time at a poetry slam in a bar, reciting the poems that he had written when he was alive.
"You were my sire, man! You were my... Yoda."
On Liam/Angelus/Angel/whatever-he-decides-to-call-himself-this-season: can I say, Oedipus Complex? William respects Angelus for the monster that he is, and it is probably no coincidence that Spike unconsciously mirrors Angel's experiences. However, Spike does have an unhealthy amount of resentment for always being second-best to Angel, both where Drusilla or Buffy is concerned. But blood is blood. You may not like your family members, but family is family, even an vampiric one, and for Spike, those bonds do mean something.
"Our love was eternal. Literally."
On Drusilla: Drusilla has and will always take up a special place in Spike's heart. She is both a mother (being the one who sired him), a lover and a daughter. She makes him who he is today and for that he is grateful. He was in love with her once and he still loves her, albeit a little differently from how it used to be. Short of destroying the world and causing harm to the others that he cares about, Spike is still willing to do anything to please his mad princess.
"A slayer with family and friends. That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure."
On Buffy: Buffy fascinates Spike. Initially it is just an interest in upping his Slayer kill count, then it becomes an acknowledgment of her strength because unlike the other Slayers that he has fought before, she is willing to let her family and friends help her out and she is stronger for it. When the dynamics shift from fascination to obsession to love is unclear. But it did. Though Spike is rather hesitant to check in with her now that he is alive again after the events of BtVS Season 7, he loves her. But instead of stalking her every step of the way, he has found other things that demand his attention, and saving the world does take quite a lot of effort.
- enhanced speed, night vision and healing (for being a vampire)
- skilled in both armed and unarmed combat (Spike is the only vampire who've defeated two Slayers)
- relative resilience to sunlight when compared to other vampires (the first meeting between William and Angelus had them sticking their hand out to the ray of sunlight peeking through the curtains. Spike is often seen traveling in the day with just the help of a blanket over his head)
- torture (he manages to interrogate Doctor Sparrow successfully, gaining from him "screams, various fluids and a name")
- high pain tolerance (comes with being a vampire and living with Angelus, really.)
- lock picking, hot wiring a car, pick pocketing
- he is proficient at playing video games (was seen playing Donkey Kong and Crash Bandikoot).
- perceptive (especially where relationships are concerned. He is able to see through Angel and Buffy's pretense at being "just friends", and that is just one of the many incidents when he can see past surface motivations)
- manipulative (during the events of the "Yoko Factor", Spike manages to manipulate surface tensions within the Scooby Gang and turn them against one another)
- planning/scheming (he feigns weakness in order to avoid suspicion when he works with Buffy to send Angelus into a hell dimension)
- fluent in Latin, Luganda, and some demon languages
- capable of falling in love (with Drusilla and Buffy), caring for others (Dawn and Joyce) with or without a soul
- honorable and loyal (staying by the Scooby Gang and helping them out even after Buffy's death)
- robust. It takes a good amount of emotional strength to live through almost two centuries of heartbreaks and betrayal and still stay the same. It takes character to actively fight to have his soul back even after seeing what it did to Angelus.
- Vulnerable to sunlight (while he is resilient, he is not invulnerable)
- Can't see his own reflection in the mirror
- Can't enter a house unless he's invited
- Food has little to no taste (not that it stops him from adding things to the blood he drinks though)
- doesn't heal as quickly as he can if he doesn't feed properly. Slayer's blood and Sire's blood does wonders though.
- Spike sometimes has no filter between his brain and his mouth. If he thinks you are full of shit, he'll call you up on it. Gleefully.
- While Spike has the ability to plan and scheme, he doesn't have the patience to see it through.
- when he falls in love, it is obsessive and total. While his loyalty to those he loves (first Drusilla, then Buffy) can be a plus, it leaves him vulnerable to a great deal of hurt and abuse