V got her GCSE exam results today , and YAY she passed them all despite having Glandular Fever for all but Drama and Art and missing her German oral exam *BG
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Oh wow that's absolutely fantastic. Tell V i said a huge congratulations, those results are amazing, but then we knew she'd do it :). God it feels like only yesterday that i was collecting my own lmao, talk about sounding old. So what's she got planned now then?
V says thank you darlin , and she'll be off to Farnborough 6th Form college to do A levels in Eng.Lit/English combined , Performing Arts and Media studies ... I'm trying to persuade her to do Film Studies as she has a bit of an 'in' what with my brother being in the business , but she's standing firm at the mo *g*
Just remember 'Your'e only as old as the man that you feel ' ....OMG I'm ancient *bg*
They are pretty good aren't they ? *pompoms along proudly *
I was soooo bored during that film I just tuned out the awfulness of the actoring and imagined TW and MR being much ,MUCH better ...and overdosed on popcorn of course *g*
Thank you my lovely ( see ,I did pick up some useful phrases in Norfolk :) )
My hairdresser made a loooong appointment for the colour ...and about 10 minutes for the cut ! Even as infrequently I go and get the dirty deed done , she knows exactly how paranoid I am *g*
V says thank you ...and would like you to know that she only got the shopping savvy from me *g* I dunno what she means , her brain scares me !
I'm going to boycott any further Superman fillums , I may even take to waving a placard saying 'Whatsisname is NOT Lex and Brendan thingy is NOT Clark/Superman ...watch Smallville instead '
::of course it will have to be a very big placard ...or I could go down the sandwich board route , risky I know but I care dammit ::
Comments 14
Just remember 'Your'e only as old as the man that you feel ' ....OMG I'm ancient *bg*
YaY! The one true Lex Luthor is secretly a geek who wears cheesy t-shirts :)
I was soooo bored during that film I just tuned out the awfulness of the actoring and imagined TW and MR being much ,MUCH better ...and overdosed on popcorn of course *g*
My nephew has been doing exams recently and I really felt for him - I would collapse if someone expected me to take exams now :)
Me too ...I'd rather give up chocolate than go through all that again !
Ohh hairdressers .. scary.. I'm so glad I've found a good one at last !
Rescue Remedy is cool !
As is memage !
My hairdresser made a loooong appointment for the colour ...and about 10 minutes for the cut ! Even as infrequently I go and get the dirty deed done , she knows exactly how paranoid I am *g*
Eeeeee congrats, brains and shopping savvy. That's what I like to see, I can't do either very well :)
I'm going to boycott any further Superman fillums , I may even take to waving a placard saying 'Whatsisname is NOT Lex and Brendan thingy is NOT Clark/Superman ...watch Smallville instead '
::of course it will have to be a very big placard ...or I could go down the sandwich board route , risky I know but I care dammit ::
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