I mean that with all the love in the world, of course =).
The reason I say that I'm a dork is because I have a new fic idea.
Yesh, I'm not going to post it until I have most of it completed. I figure that's the best thing to do since I suck at updates. Sorry to those reading What a Tangled Web. I suck horribly =/
I have a serious infection of writers block gah. I get that every now and then.
But I made a little pic for the fic, and the name and stuff. So I'll share that with you guys. I worked hard on it, so I hope it's not terrible...
So what do you think?
I hope it doesn't look bad...it might be changed a little, like maybe the size, does it need to be bigger?
IDK. lol
I'm like a major HanChul shipper.
I believe they're one of the sweetest couples, but also so full of angst it's not funny.
I think Hannie completes Heechul, and vise-versa.
Heechul was there for Hannie, defending him, helping him fit in. And I think Hannie relies on Heechul a lot.
I dunno, I think Heechul needs Hannie's level head, his smile and his warmth. I think HanGeng really mellows Heechul out a lot, makes him less harsh.
So, I have to do a Senior Project this year. I'm going to write my own original literature piece for it. My english teacher is my mentor.
We met Friday to work out more of what I'm going to do.
We decided that it's going to be a memoir. Whether I'm going to use myself or an original character idk. But I'm leaning toward an original character.
It's going to be about growing as a person. I thought it was a good direction to go since we're seniors we have grown so much since 9th grade, we're almost adults. I want to portray the trials that I've went through, the problems, how much I grew as a person. But I'd rather do it in a different voice. I'd be too embarrassed if I came right out and said that it all happened to me...hehe.
My teacher had such a great idea though. I'm doing a powerpoint thing for my resource when I have to explain everything in front of the judges, and she told me that I could use quotes from what I write, and put paintings or quotes that relate to the piece. Paintings that show the struggle to find your identity, such as the Mona Lisa etc. I thought it was such an awsome idea!! But I'm also planning on using quotes from books or from authors that really inspire.
One of my favorite books of all time will definately be in there: The Scribbler of Dreams. I absolutely adore that book. It's so good. And there's numorous quotes to be taken from it. Also : The Vampire Lestat. He's got some awsome quotes in there too about being unsure of yourself (I know it sounds stupid, but it's true!)
I wasn't excited at all about this project, but now I can't wait to start writing.
I'm really really looking forward to getting it over with.
I have to have this to graduate, why not work my ass off and get a kickass grade?
Jose is confusing you guys! I dont know what to do.
He treats me different one minute, then the next he doesn't. He reverts to treating me the same.
Then he asks me if I want to see Friday the 13th and I say sure! and so I text him to ask when it plays...and he's like "Friday the 13th duh" lol I was like ooooohhh duh....and then he says "Well if you go to see it take me with you." WTF????
AHHHH I dont know what to think. I guess I should be happy that he wants to spend time with me right?
And he did compliment me Thursday at work. He was talking about how some people look dumb but are really surprisingly smart, and then other people just look dumb and are dumb. And he says "But people like you, you look smart, I knew you were smart when I looked at you." I was like...um thanks *blush blush* Sometimes I want to just pinch his cheeks he's so cute. When he doesn't understand something he repeats "What? What?" like a lost puppy until someone explains. Hehe. I was on fries for about 2 or 3 hours Thursday and he knows how much I hate it so he kept coming over there and saying "Look I'm helping you, see?" and "Are you okay?" and then he dumped a bunch of frozen fries everywhere and loudly said "GOSH JESSICA WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" and I was like "Jose, don't you blame that on me, I didn't do anything." and he said "Don't deny it, that was all you." and he kept grumbling to himself jokingly while he cleaned it up, smiling at me the whole time. He's such a dork. But we both had Friday off and he didn't ask me to do anything...=/ But he was really tired I shouldn't be selfish..Yesterday was the worst day ever. I was so tired. I stayed over an hour and a half at work the night before because I felt bad because Jose was leaving and Neftali had to close by himself and he didn't have anything stocked at all, and it was 9 and really busy. So, me being nice, told him I'd stay after to stock. Well we stayed busy and so I didn't get to stock until 9:45 or so and then Neftali went on break and Jose gave me puppy eyes and asked "You're staying right?" and I was like "Um....I guess..." my thoughts: -damn it jose why are your puppy dog eyes so hard to deny, eh?- and Neftali's all like *smile I knew she wouldn't say no hehehehe* he's an ass btw. lol. So anyway, school=dead. I was tired through the whole thing. So I got home finally, and didn't get to eat until my dad got home from shopping. I ate potstickers and mozzarella sticks (bad combo..you'll see soon.) Then ate for supper some pizza from Wal-Mart. Well through half of the movie Becoming Jane I started getting really bad acid reflux, I do that sometimes, but it's usually curable with pepto. Yeah, I took some pepto but it didn't help. I got up at 1:00 after tossing and turning in bed for 3 hours, and finally ran in the living room crying and whimpering telling my dad that I was dying lol. My dad ended up going to Wal-Mart for Malox and it was hilarious, I took like 3 out of 4 spoon fulls of the stuff and then projectile vomitted in my hand (yes ewwwww) and it got on the carpet, and I made it to the bathroom though. Lol. I still felt so bad though after it. My tummy still felt all acidy and stuff and my throat burned...I was crying and I slept with my mom cause my dad threatened me with my life if I threw up on the carpet again cause he had to clean it up..hehe. It was a terrible night. I slept till 1 this afternoon and my tummy is still all sore and acidy. I haven't eaten much today.
Moral of this story: Never eat that combo of food. BAD THINGS HAPPEN.
Sorry that I shared all that...hehe.
I know ya'll wanted to know that XD
I fixed whatever funky was going on with my cuts, I think I hope *crosses fingers**glares at livejournal* WORK PLEASE! lol