So.... yesterday I started downloading the Mazohyst of Decadence uncensored pv by Dir en Grey. It's 145mb big, so me being me and having a dial up connection, the download petered out at about 40 mb, so I have around three minutes of it. I'm not going to bother downloading the rest of the clip.
I'm not sure. I'm pro choice. I believe that it is a womans decision to make, regarding things that happen in her body, and NO ONE has the right to judge her on any decision she makes. I certainly wouldn't... I mean, several of my friends (including one I've known nearly all my life) have had abortions. She was 17 at the time.
Despite the fact that I think it's an individual's choice, I also think there is a 'point of no return' regarding pregnancy. I, personally, think that after three months (and even that's pushing it) abortion is, well... maybe not the best thing. Give birth to the baby, and give it up for abortion. By the time three months is up, it's started to form into a human being. They have to chop it up and suck it out. At about two months, though, it's still almost a little ball of jelly.
But then, that paragraph contradicts the previous one, doesn't it? This would be my dilemma.
Perhaps, it's what I -think- I would do, if I were in that situation. I wouldn't judge anyone, like I said, even if they got it done at five months.
So am I a hypocrite for saying one minute, 'I'm pro choice, abortion is a womans right,' and then saying, 'but only if it's done by this time'?
And man, I am dying to ask Kyo if he's pro-choice XD I mean, he's often said (especially lately) that Dir en Grey's music has not political overtones, so maybe he was just writing a song guaranteed to make fans (i.e. Me) curl up in a ball and quiver? And why don't I want to see the rest of the Mazohyst PV? I'm the least gutless person I know when it comes to shocking visual images, but I just... don't wanna see this one. Does that mean that I'm pro choice, but don't want to face exactly what I'm supporting, or I'm just squeamish? I honestly don't know.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject. Feel free to comment, guys, and express your own opinions. I'd be interested to read them, and I won't bite you, because that would be wrong ^_^