Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build.
Jane is a quarter of an inch under six foot. With his hair spiked, he makes six foot two. He has a lean build, packed tight with muscle in a wiry sort of way. Broad shoulders runs in the family and long limbs are just as common. While Jane grew up gangly, he managed to grow into it and manages to pull off the long limbs and broad build with a certain style.
2. How old is he?
3. Describe his posture.
Being an Air Force flyboy, Jane went through all the basic training anyone else would, which leads to a controlled, obedient posture. Normally, Jane is slightly more relaxed, without hunching over or slouching, he tends to be at parade rest for the most part, but will snap to attention when required, shoulders back, head straight and body tense.
4. How is his health?
As per Air Force pilot regulations, Jane is in peak physical condition and boasts 20/20 vision.
5. How does he move?
Despite any possibly awkwardness of those long limbs, Jane manages to carry himself well. He's got a long stride and a quick pace and only occasionally trips over himself -usually just when tired or groggy.
6. How attractive is this character physically?
Jane isn't a vain guy, but he does take pride in his appearance. Currently, his hair is slightly longer than regulation standards, but little is said about it. He's got a devilishly attractive smile and adorable dimples to go along with sparkling brown eyes and a fairly well maintained physique.
7. Describe his complexion.
Naturally, Jane's skin is a lightly tanned color, due to constantly being above cloud level in jets, Jane is slightly more tanned.
8. Describe his hair.
Surprisingly soft, Jane has dark brown, slightly messy hair. It tends to display a life of it's own when allowed to grow out and Jane tends to just run a little product through it and go, hardly paying attention.
9. What color are his eyes?
Light brown, almost hazel.
10. Does the he have any other noteworthy features?
Jane's most notable features are actually the ones he keeps well hidden. On his back, there are three small puncture holes, almost like gun shot wounds, but they are specifically exit wounds. These were the first points where Jane's spikes left his body and the skin and muscle tore under the shock, scarring slightly.
Jane also has an actual bullet wound on his shoulder form a rogue bullet while flying a Black Hawk in Baghdad. His middle finger on his left hand has a three inch long scar from an accident with his bike when he was a kid.
11. What are his chief tension centers?
Shoulders, neck and back.
12. What is his wardrobe like?
Jane follows regulation clothing while on duty. Off duty, he tends to lean more towards casual and loose in neutral colors, although he does own a few 'smart' clothes for those special occasions.
13. Do his clothes fit well?
Since Jane only wears what feels comfortable, he tends to suit what he wears rather well.
14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time?
On the job, Jane is usually in cargos and military garb. Off the job he tends to be more a jeans and t-shirt type of guy. Every now and then, it'll be jeans and a casual shirt.
1. What does this character's voice sound like?
Jane has a deep sort of timbre in his voice, it's silky and smooth at times, and fairly even.
2. How does he normally speak?
Mostly, in a lazy sort of speech, nothing is rushed and overly pointed. He can talk at length if he gets into it, but mostly, it's a steady sort of lull.
3. Does he have a distinct accent or dialect?
Nothing really, save for a tiny hint of his Grandfathers Southern twang at times.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?
Jane is fluent in English and French, has a passable grasp of Jewish and he reads Arabic and Cyrillic.
5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
Only if on deployment and was required to use a certain language.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?
Usually, Jane just rolls with whatever he's thinking. He doesn't like to have to struggle too much with what he wants to say. It's best to just say what comes first. Unless he's in a meeting or with a superior officer.
7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate?
Jane is fairly eloquent, well educated and well spoken. Only under stress, injury or exhaustion does his grasp on the spoken language fade slightly.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this he?
Jane is pretty smart. He's heavily trained in mechanics for the maintenance of an air craft, but this doesn't mean he can fix the kitchen sink. He's pretty well versed in physics, maths and chemistry, and adaptable to languages. But he is mostly book smart, he's a bit of a geek really.
2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?
As with everything in the Air Force, Jane is trained to think fast, but think well. So while he may have to deliberate with himself he will do it with precision and use up as little time he can.
3. Describe the character's thought process.
Jane likes a complicated solve, he likes a little challenge. His brain seems very puzzle orientated and thus, Jane tends to logic things out rather well. At the same time, he does occasionally just go with whatever feels best.
4. What kind of education has the character had?
Jane graduated high school and enrolled straight into the Air Force. All education beyond high school has come from the Air Force.
5. What are his areas of expertise?
Greatly immersed in air craft maintenance and flight, Jane is a top class trained pilot. He also has high level hand to hand combat training, endurance training and fire arm training. Really, he'd like to get more into the geekier side of things and get further with his physics and chemistry learning.
6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
A little of both, he can be introverted at times, but defaults to extrovert.
7. Describe the character's temperament.
Stubborn most of the time, Jane is a rather determined guy, but he is rather playful. He knows to balance this out, with a high stress job like the one he has, he knows there needs to be a steady part of it all. He's fairly laid back off duty and has a pretty decent sense of humor.
8. How does he respond to new people or situations?
For the most part, Jane is cautious. He's very adaptable and understands that his life is fairly fluid, based on each of his stations, he has to simply deal with change.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?
With his training, Jane tends more to the react side of things, unless a situation arises that needs to be an act first sort of deal. Jane knows the difference.
10. Which is his default: fight or flight?
11. Describe the character's sense of humor.
While somewhat childish, Jane doesn't exactly go in for the mean spirited side of humor. He does enjoy a decent prank so long as it is mostly harmless. Gags and light teasing are all well and good, especially in the breeding of camaraderie.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders?
13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
Undoubtedly, the biggest moment in Jane's life can be narrowed down to his grandfather and the stories he was told. Jane's decision to join the Air Force was highly influenced by his former Air Force grandfather, while his father had been Army, Jane was thrilled with the stories of air crafts and flight.
14. What does he fear?
Disappointment, dismissal, failure. Basic fears of a born and bred military boy.
15. What are his hopes or aspirations?
He wouldn't mind a promotion, but in his condition, he doubts it will be coming. Ideally, he'd be transferred to a position where he got to fly until his dying day, which would be a long time away.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.
Jane has a rather complex relationship with his mother. While he is her youngest child with his father, she did have a daughter almost seven years after Jane was born. Jane ended up being more of a secondary care giver and thus, his relationship with his mother morphed from anything like a mother/son and into something more equal.
Catie is also a little bit spacey, which occasionally infuriates Jane due to her lapses in focus of concentration and small things being ignored. Jane does adore his mother, but they do butt heads on more than the occasional subject.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is their relationship like?
Jane has two older brothers, Alec and Fraser, both of whom he is very close with. They each have their own little niches where they don't see eye to eye, but Alec is the stereotypical older brother, and Fraser is the mischievous middle child. Jane should've fallen into the youngest of the family role but that was soon filled up.
By younger, half-sister Louisa. Louisa and Jane are very close, with Jane practically raising Lou. She's seven years his junior, but they're almost like best friends. She comes to him with everything, and he has all the time in the world for her.
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?
Jane is very close with his paternal grandparents. His grandfather was the only paternal figure in his life -even his mothers second husband wasn't much of a father figure, and Jane would move heaven and hell for his Grandpa or Grandma.
He is not, however, close with his maternal grandparents, as they are often judgemental of his mother and his Granny is very caustic with her remarks towards Catie's life. Jane has, more than once, been uncharacteristically rude towards her.
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family?
No, since Catie's divorce from her second husband, Jane regards no one outside of blood kin to be family, beyond those he serves with.
5. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
Jane is fairly friendly, he seems to make friends with people without trouble and can get along with those he doesn't like fairly well too.
6. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?
Family, always family.
7. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?
Currently, Jane is single, although he has been engaged twice, both of those relationships were hampered by his career. He does have aspirations to get married and potentially have a family, but he is still fairly focused on his career.
8. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
Katherine Hepburn. Currently none to tell.
9. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
Compatibility mostly, he's a fairly active guy and something similar would be nice, but Jane likes to believe he's more about the personality than the package.
10. What is the character's sexual orientation?
Jane is heterosexual. If that is simply a biproduct of being in the Air Force and without the option really of being any other way inclined is difficult to say, but he is fairly comfortable in his sexuality.
11. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?
While Jane doesn't find sex to be overly important, he does enjoy it about as much as the next person. Casual or committed works just fine for him, although he does tend more towards fun than serious.
1. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither?
Jane was raised Catholic, but the practice fell by the wayside. He still believes, he's just not sure what he believes any more and tends not to practice.
2. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics?
Living by an ethic code that Air Force life instilled, Jane takes his own personal code of morals from cues given by the military structure. Very little would actually waver him from this moral code, unless it was to do with his sister, in which case, the cooler head would not prevail.
3. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his?
Jane is firmly set in believing that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs and faiths. He's seen first hand what intolerance and ignorance can breed and never wants to become like that.
Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation?
Life in the Air Force actually breeds a decent financial situation. Jane is sitting comfortably on a steady military wage. Being over seas a lot means he's less inclined to spend much, although he has an apartment in Michigan, which his sister lives in.
2. Where does he live?
When not deployed or on a base, Jane has a three bedroom apartment in Michigan which he sort of shares with his sister who attends college in Michigan. Jane owns the place, so there is little worry of things like rent or bills, as Louisa is able to cover those when Jane's not around. For the most part, the apartment is basically Louisa's and Jane just crashes there when not active.
3. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
Jane has a mild weakness for puzzles and/or games. He owns two games consoles and usually splurges on games for those when at home. He is usually very good with his money, however, and tends to keep his spending low.
4. What does he do for a living?
Jane is a Lieutenant in the Air Force, a very skilled pilot and he adores his job.
5. What are his eating habits?
Everything operates on a schedule, and Jane mostly keeps to that. He's got powerbars for in between meals when he needs them, but breakfast is at 0600 and lunch follows when he's not off doing something and diner usually comes in at 2030 or a tad later. It's usually health junk, Jane is a bit of a health freak and genuinely likes tofo, but he's also a sugar junkie and will probably offer out his first born for marshmallows.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:
1. Color? duck blue/air force blue
2. Smell? jet fuel
3. Time of day? noon
4. Season? fall
5. Book? War and Peace -or at least the first few chapters that he's managed to read
6. Music? Johnny Cash
7. Place? in the air, preferably in a air craft of some description
8. Plant? grass
9. Animal? dogs
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