Before the interview Shige went to fish, he shows us his "cook-like face" saying "What can I cook with them when I go back home?".
Koyama who knows a lot about Shige's life-style tells us about Shige's wonderful home!
Those 2 are good friends and they've been in eachother houses. They introduced us eachother's room.
Shige, flattered by Koyama's "It's all so cool!", ended up to blush a little.
Shige: "Why Koyama has a study? (lol)"
Koyama: "Shige's room is very modern"
-Today's theme is "Room talking". Please talk about the other's room!
K: The house of this fellow is great. A completely modern room. If you go to see it, it's the kind of house that makes you feel "I want to live here!".
S: Recently he went to my place because we had to go to eat out but we had some hours before it. Here there are 4 cylindrical glass cases of different lenghts, in the bigger one I keep the coffee and in the others different teas. Looking to them he said "Modern room".
K: It's becase those glass cases stand out a lot in your room. I also like the scenary you can see from the window, it seems like you can grasp Tokyo with your hands~
S: Please, call it "Tokyo urban life". I have to admit that I took a great care for my interior design and the illumination (lol).
-How was Koyama's house, you went there for his birthday, right?
S: It's wonderful. I went there 8 years ago too but he completely renewed it. Ah right, there is a study. Around 3.8 tatami? (*unit of measure for rooms)
K: No, it's 4.5 I guess.
S: I really wonder why a person like Koyama has a study. Well, he had little books in reality.
K: I'm resolved to increase them (lol).
S: The home telephone is nice too~
K: Since it's my parents' house I have some limitations for the interior. But I'm trying to overcome it.
S: Right, at Koyama's you can see on the TV only "The Shounen Club" and "News every." recorded episodes. We also went to "Sekaiichi uketai jugyou" but that day Koyama was out (lol). Did your mother watch it?
K: Yup (lol). By the way, every single object you take in Shige's house is cool, for example, you have forks with a rose motive on the handle, right?
S: Those are picks. The ones to pierce the olives have the rose motive.
K: Ehm, do you eat olives in your everyday life? I don't think so (lol). And then, he has a coffee maker like the ones in the cafès. It's the first time I see something like that in a normal house.
S: The mill...stop with the praises, it's embarrassing!
NEWS picked some pics and gave their comments ^^
A special little interview to some members:
A plus to me
-This month we asked what thing the idol would want more in their lifes.
When I finish a work I wish to have around 12 free hours before a new work comes. But in those 12 hours I don't want to do anything of particular. If I have half a day free I can prepare myself to my next work and let my tired body rest. If I can't sleep at least 2 hours I can't face my job, this is my condition.
Height! I'd like to be 190cm. Big guys are kinda good. If I was 190...I would surely walk around with an air "Wow I'm huge!" (lol). Something more possible, I'd want more weight. Now I'm 55kg and even if I eat a lot I can't go over 58kg. My aim are the ideal 60kg, I'll do my best!
The strenght to go into a ghost house. For me it's really impossible, I succeeded to go there only 2 times (lol). I'm scared of the sudden noises, I can't stand it. If I'll go in a ghost house with a girl I'd be the one to cling and pull her. I'm not good with movies too but somehow I can watch them...I keep my hands before my eyes (lol).
More mental strenght. When I'm praised I tend to be flattered since I was a kid. Instead when I'm warned of something I'm fine but I can get angry easily. Since I have some rules I don't like my fails or weak points to be pointed out. I'd like to be stronger and don't be offended by that.