The 22 November Kato Shigeaki was guest star for the first time in the show "Sekai Maru Mie!" on NihonTv! We followed him on the recording day.
The big opening of Maru Mie: the guest are closed inside a glass box and they find themselves under the merciless attack of marple confettis, the studio is filled by laughters!
Enjoy some images of Shige under the confettis, we barely couldn't see him anymore! - "It was so funny!"
In this episode VTR there was a peculiar video of something happened in Russia. "I loved the pig that doesn't want to work (lol)" - Said Shige.
About the fashion look in the show: "I wouldn't wear something like this red checks shirt in private life, it's too embarrassing. At work though, I like to wear things I wouldn't usually wear". It looked nice!
"On stage I often have nosebleed" - Talking like this Shige was called by Taka-san the "Nosebleed Minister".
"It suits my character!" - he answered back laughing.
"Sitting besides Takeshi-san made me so nervous! (bitter smile)" - Said Shige about the quiz, staying beside a person like that made his heart. Just as expected from him he gave lots of interesting comments.
"They were all unconscious!" - Enjoy all the unique expressions by Shige!
It was the first time for me to go to this show but the opening was pretty awesome! Being at "Sekai Maru Mie!" was a real honor (lol).
There were so many confettis, the time inside that box seemed so long! (lol). It pretty hurted too. I mean, the paper and the leaves (lol). We were quite covered with them. It was interesting and funny, inside we were all kyaa kyaaa kyaaaaa (lol).
I've already been once in a variety show with Tokoro George, that time I was introduced to Tokoro's "Setagawa base", after that he sent me to the office a lot of goods from the show. I was so happy! I received a T-shirt during this recording too, it was so kind, I think he's such a polite man.
There was Beat Takeshi too, the original! (lol) It made me think like that, I can't deny that during the show I kept peeking at him (lol). I saw a lot of his movies so I was like "Ah~ he looks like the character of that movie, the same aura!". Of course he did many variety shows but I was too little when he did "Tensai Takeshi no Genki ga deru tv*" so I couldn't see it. I know him better as movie director, this is the image I have of him. His appearances as director and as showman are the same, it was so cool, he was the real one! This time I couldn't really talk with him but even if I had the opportunity to do it...I wouldn't really know what I can say to him! (lol)
*A tv show of 1995 by Takeshi Kitano.
(There was Takeshi Kitano?? I didn't notice him!! OMG I think that Shige was completely out of his mind!! Kyaaah! The real Takeshi Kitano sitting beside you!! *_______* OMG OMG I'm excited for Shige!! XD)
NEWS' investigation - Shige got us some recent informations about the members
YAMAPI: One night he called me: "Shige what are you doing? Let's see each other in 5 minutes". I was with a classmate but I betrayed him to go (lol) By the way, Yamashita-kun has a lot of friends from foreign countries. I can't talk English at all so when I'm besides a foreigner I can only answer "Yeah" or say something appropriate like "Can I have some drink?" (lol). It sounds absurd but it's funny!
(Shige can't resist to his favourite idol...Yamapi XDD lol And I just find the way to have Shige all for me!!
Me: "Would you marry me?"
Ignorant Monkey: "Yeah"
LOL gomen gomen XD)
TEGOSHI: When there was that issue about my hair they weren't much longer than Tegoshi's but he told me: "Even if they're long I can, Shige!". It made me kinda sad. He basically said that he's fine but me no (lol). But Tegoshi is cute so in the end we forgive him everything~ In particular Koyama, he spoils him so much! Like if he's some girl in love with him (lol)
Nyaaaaa this pissed me off! >O< )
KEI-CHAN: Koyama right now is working for his Butai, he looks so busy. We barely meet at the studios. But once I meet him with a person we both know because we worked together at my Butai so we could do a little "stage-talk". He said that to him it's difficult because the stage director doesn't tell him anything but to me it was absolutely fine~
(Seems Shige is a little pouting with Kei-chan XD He let him down lately XD)
RYO-CHAN: During the concerts there was a day in which I arrived earlier. I was all alone so I was listening to the song "Ai" by Hata Motohiro very loud, Ryo came in and said "This song is good!". After that I heard him singing that in the dressing room when we were guest in a music show. He's the person in NEWS with whom I have the most similar tastes in music. We don't plan to recommend music to each other but we usually talk like "Do you know this one?" or "This one is good!" by chance.
(Damn guys...that song is really pretty T_T)
MASSU: I think he cut his hair. He cut them once for a drama and then when I saw him for the music show he already cut them again. He said that the first hairstyle for the drama wasn't really suited to him, instead of letting them grow he cut them again, what the hell? I thought (lol). I don't understand his mind!