I know how you feel. I am tired and needy. I wish I could walk so I could go find a job; any job. Yesterday was the pitts as fear crushed down on my paraplegic body. We did not have a penny and only one roll of toilet paper. Need I add that there are five other A-holes living in this house. I found a job for my unemployed son but he didn't seem that interested. We will see what happens today. Did you know that the emotion of fear can paralize those who are already in that condition. Then in came the mail and it said a check had been deposited into my bank account, $61. The feeling was like it was a million. We had no milk now we can get some. I can get Honey Nut Cheerios. My Favorite. I live one day at a time. I pray and do not lose my faith that our God, his son, his mother and his angels are watching over me. A man at the Church heard my blight and paid for my oil and the balance on 2008 house taxes I don't know if I will be able to live through this. Guess what sweetheart, I keep saying that and another miracle, I
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I can give you hope by telling you that reading this gave ME hope. Hope because it showed me that someone, somewhere thinks like I do about these things. Lets make something happen.
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step #1 : http://www.endthefed.us/
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