Title : Hee Chul's Superheroes!
Fandom/Pairing : Kim Hee Chul/Choi Si Won, Lee Dong Hae/Ham Eun Jung, Kim Hyo Yeon/Lee Joon, Kim Hyo Yeon/Jung Yun Ho, Lee Joon/Yang Seung Ho, Park Ye Eun/Yang Seung Ho, Lee Chae Rin/Choi Seung Hyun, Nich Khun Horvejkul/Jo Kwon, Ham Eun Jung/Lee Jin Ki
Rating : PG-13 - for now, at least.
Summary : Kim Hee Chul
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Comments 22
Really? I'm glad you do. They were all really random and it was so much fun to write them. I don't know which I like more either. They're both so much fun to write. When you do decide, though, I'd love to know your thoughts.
I love you for updating XD
OMG, I love Jinki/Eunjung XD But there's so many couples, I don't even know who's my favorite LOL
Can't wait for chapter 3 now <3
Btw, this CC is so cute :)
You better love me for other things, too, even if we don't talk anymore. DDD:
I like them a lot, too, but I don't think I have a favourite yet then either. They're all so much fun.
I'll try and update it soon, dear.
I KNOW! haha, I need more, though, since the only other one I have the one I made and that one is so uglyyy.
And aww, the SiChul at the beginning. Guhh I love this pairing, they are so good together. They would have beautiful babies if men were able to do so. They should just fuse their DNA, you know? I'm sure scientists could be working on a way for this to be possible. Heechul would be right on that if it happened. He'd be like HEY HANKYUNG, HEY SIWON, I WANT YOUR BABIES. Okay I'm getting carried away. If he was gonna have a girl in Hee Chul's Superheroes, he'd just have to settle for Hee Chul. <- YES SIWON JUST DO THAT.
Donghae talking about Hyoyeon with Joon was adorable, I love how protective Donghae is of her. And then Hyoyeon turning Joon down, lol burnnnnnn.
"I think Seung Hyun and Chae Rin. They'll have little gangster babies." <- LMAO yes, they will.
I LOVED THE SICHUL. They are so well together, that's for sure. They would be, shame that couldn't happen. But you're so right. I hope they'll find a way to get the three of them together into one boy.
fjdfklsjlaksdj YES. Dong Hae and Hyo could be, like, the best friends ever. OMG. BUT THREESOME OVER - EUNHAEHYO! /dies
YES! haha
They could! That'd be so cute~ OMG OT3 EUNHAEHYO! EunHae + HyoHyuk + HyoHae! I LIKE HOW THIS SOUNDS.
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