Last night's Hunter game started off as is becoming a habit, with the group in the police station for questioning. After a while everyone was told individually by special agent Carver that they were free to go, but not to discuss the case as it was an ongoing investigation.
The group laid low for the most part over the weekend. Jake received an envelope in the mail that had the torn piece of paper from his book and finally got in touch with his contact. To his contact's surprise Jake had been trying to reach him for almost two weeks. Jake also did some research on the Harrison family. He found out that Laura Harrison was one of three Harrisons in the most current generation. She was the youngest with two older brothers, Adam the current mayor and Edward who no one has seen in years. The only other living relative of the Harrisons he found out was Old Bernie from the neighborhood watch.
Josh tried to get a copy of the autopsy report on the man they had killed in the mine, but with no luck. James arrived in town with orders from his biker gang to scope out the neighborhood watch. Turns out his gang, the Outlaws, is looking into moving into the area and is dealing with the cops but in partially concerned about the watch group.
Monday Dan got his wife to bake a cake for their victory on the thing they weren't allowed to discuss. When the watch went to their weekly meeting they were greeted as heroes. The story on the news had told of them capturing another deadly killer who was on the loose. Perry had gotten the money to finally have pins made up for the watch and gave everyone one. The entire watch was there including Naomi, but Charlie was missing. Perry seemed to be in a hurry to get some where and kept checking his pocket watch. After Perry left the group decided to continue the celebration at the local bar, Mother Truckers.
Jake bought Dan and Old Bernie a beer and started talking to him about the Harrisons. Old Bernie it turns out isn't too fond of the Harrisons. Turns out he is a second cousin, but was written out of the will. Laura Harrison was a sickly child and the middle sibling Edward took care of her and they were quite close. It was also well known that Adam and Edward did not get along very much. When Adam was 19 their parents were in a car accident and perished. Shortly afterwards Adam was elected mayor and Edward left the country when he turned 18. Rumor is that Edward went somewhere in Eastern Europe. Laura died a few years ago and everyone thought Edward would show up for the funeral since they were so close. He did not, though some people think either he couldn't be found or Adam didn't bother to look. Some people think that he died on his journey around the world.
The next night the group decided it might be a good idea to check out the Harrison family cemetery behind Harrison Manor which is not open to the public. They went down the path they had found when they went to the mine. The other path led up to the Manor and all that stood in the way was a chain link fence. There was a hole in the fence where something had knocked it down, it looked like whatever had knocked down that part of the fence was coming from the Manor side towards the forest.
Once on the property and a hill later they found the cemetery. More than half the graves had been dug up including that of Laura Harrison. Dirt was everywhere and the bodies were missing. Tracks and shovels made in clear that whoever was digging was going into the mansion. While looking around Josh found a pocket watch that looked familiar. Upon confirming with the group they agreed it was Perry's pocket watch. After a quick look in the windows Matt saw what looked to be Adam Harrison siting at his desk. After that they retreated back into the woods.
Josh managed still had not heard anything about the autopsy of the man from the mine. Investigating the morgue he found out the body had been moved by the FBI, but before they had taken the body Butters, the morgue guy, had done some fingerprinting. One hand matched the records they had on file for one the missing people, the other hand didn't match the same person and they didn't have a record of who it did match.
Now the group wanted to get answers about Perry. Matt, Erica and James went to his house. Erica attempted to go through the trash while James was the look out. Matt went around back and found an open window. In the house he found dirt in the kitchen and knives in the bedroom. In addition to knives Matt found a book of newspaper clippings that talked about a serial killer police were looking for in California named Thomas Perry. Matt took a knife that had blood on it and got Josh to call Butters for a late night blood test. Erica kept an eye on Perry's house while they were out and Matt brought back the knife before Perry got home. The blood came back as being one of the victims that disappeared. On Sunday two of Matt's girls were missing at church.
The following Monday's meeting Perry was on time, but kept checking his pocket for his watch, but not finding it. Naomi was missing, possibly because Matt had made her uncomfortable the previous week. Charlie was once again missing. When Jake asked Cliff about his missing grandson he didn't seem to know who Jake was talking about. Matt put a gps locator on Perry's car to keep tabs on him.
Everyone but Dan and Josh decided it would be a good idea to break into Perry's house and wait for him to find some answers. Perry came in the back door and Erica, the only one in the kitchen, managed to hide before he saw her. As he was walking into his bedroom Randy hit him from behind with a stun gun. Matt jumped him and managed to get him cuffed. Randy stunned him again and he was unconscious.
They tied him to the bed with a sack over his head and when he woke up James started interrogating him with Matt helping with knives. They managed to get him to spill his guts. He had come from out west and had been killing people in town for Edward Harrison. He didn't know anything about Matt girls that had gone missing, he hadn't killed anyone in over two weeks since he was worried the watch might be onto him. When asked why Edward needed bodies, he said that he was trying to bring his sister back to life. He had one success so far, but it had escaped.
After getting their information they tazed him until he was unconscious again. Drugged him with Oxycontin they had found in the medicine cabinet and lit a cigar and used it to light the bed on fire.
After all that everyone needed to make a morality check. Matt, Randy and James failed but did not get a derangement. Matt went to his priest and confessed about everything they'd done. The priest introduced him to a priest that had been sent from the Vatican to rid this town of evil.