Happy Anniversary

Jul 18, 2007 11:18

Today is mine and hubby's 4th year wedding anniversary.

In the passive aggressive aftermath of last night's "disagreement", we have decided to celebrate this auspicious occasion by not speaking to each other.

In the immortal words of Pat Benatar, love is truly a battlefield. sigh...

On a less mopey note, it also happens to be the anniversary of the ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

tracyj23 July 18 2007, 16:33:36 UTC
Aw, I'm sorry to hear you guys aren't getting along at the mo. I'm sure that will change - disagreements always get fixed eventually. If you've made it through 4 years then you can make it through more - I know, I've been married almost 16 years now, and we've had our share of disaagreements and not speaking to each other times as well.

Happy anniversary, and to your kitty as well. She looks adorable! I miss my kitty.

Is the icon you two? You're very sweet looking together. :)

(and what exactly is 'bide-a-wee'? I'm thinking some dirty thoughts here) :D


spinkkitty July 18 2007, 16:42:03 UTC
thank u :) we'll make up eventually, he actually did just send me an ecard so that is a promising start.

yup the icon is us on our wedding day. i am marking the occasion with a commemorative icon. i wish i was at home so i could pretty it up a bit. oh well, u get the gist, i am the blurry one on the right with more bangs and less nose :)


tracyj23 July 18 2007, 16:49:02 UTC
It's a lovely picture. :) I did figure you were the one on the right actually. :D I may be depraved but I'm not totally blind. *lol*


spinkkitty July 18 2007, 16:44:53 UTC
and bide-a-wee is an animal shelter u depraved woman u! LOL


alissabobissa July 18 2007, 18:15:08 UTC
Awwwwwww, I'm sowwy. Happy Anniversary! Passive-aggressive "disagreements" can be the worst. Truly, Pat is right, but surely you guys will work it out soon, and the making up shall be wonderful. ;-) (you and hubby icon is very cute, btw)

And awwwwww, kitty soooooooooooo cute! Happy anniversary to kitty and you too!

I hope the rest of your day gets better. :)


spinkkitty July 18 2007, 19:04:16 UTC
thankee lissy loo! i missed u last night! i feel like i haven't talked to u for ages and im sure there's something i wanted to tell u that i have now forgotten. love tight icon heehee.

hubby has since called me so i think we have called a truce. i didn't know we had a bsg date set for this weekend, when? what episode? me confused!


spinkkitty July 18 2007, 19:08:12 UTC
and i see u changed ur journal titled HAHA!

we need a hurricane icon!


lunar47 July 19 2007, 08:31:42 UTC
aww, I'm sorry you guys are having a spat. Hopefully it will end soon. On another note....now I know what you look like, I am so stalking you back. ;)

Date night was never oficially set. I think Alissa and I just said that we wanted it to happen this weekend. Somebody needs to put their foot down and just pick a day.

hee hee...I'm loving all your HH icon usage. It makes me happy.


spinkkitty July 19 2007, 14:27:27 UTC
the spat is kind of over. he sent me an ecard of a hugging hippo and then he called me to bitch about work. then i got stuck in manhattan while a building exploded a couple of blocks from me and thought it was a terrorist attack. then i got home and he worked the guns and hung out with his dad for two hours. when he got home around 9.30 we ate chinese food and watched erin moran make fun of scott baio's small penis.

it was all very romantic.

now I know what you look like, I am so stalking you back. ;) correction: now u know what i looked like small and kinda blurry 4 years and 1 day ago

oh horny, y can u not carry me away? *frown of discontentment*


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