Mr. Fay Is Going To Love My Family Bio, The Jerk.

Apr 05, 2010 13:26


Okay, so this was not a banner Easter weekend for me. I didn't mind missing AB or Thuy's party- I was okay with that. I knew I had other obligations and that was fine. But I don't think finding out first hand what an abusive bastard my grandfather is was really what I wanted to miss out for. I was trying to do my Family Bio interview because that was really the only time I would have a chance, and he kept shouting things into the kitchen that were meant to annoy her or even just plainly hurt her feelings or dump on her. But then he'd come in front of the camera and be like, "Oh, isn't my wife so pretty? I'm soooooo in love with my wife." It was kind of disgusting.

So basically my grandmother explained (when we were in he kitchen wih the fan on high) that basically all my grandfather wanted was something to show off, and that all he wanted her for was to "look pretty, clean the house, cook the meals, have his children, and shut the hell up." Mum pointed out that he should have married a small-town Polish girl if that's what he wanted. Of course, Mum also said that she remembers being kept up at night by him screaming at my grandmother, and he would bang things in order to scare her, and now that's why Mum is such a nervous wreck. Every holiday he would have a blow-up, apparently, so then everyone's day was ruined and it was all about him. Because he isn't even remotely content unless he's the center of attention.

It's just... It's so sad. Because I just did this great Chapter Two about how she was this cheerful little flibberty-gibbit, and she liked going out with her friends and shopping and looking at dreamy movie stars and just being a silly little girl. And now Chapter Three is about how her husband beat it all out of her, and made her a miserable, anxious wreck, and then terrorized her children when he got bored.

And to top that off, not only does my grandfather treat her like shit, so does my aunt. She basically made them move all the way out to Connecticut (when they would have been happier in the LOCAL senior community IN TOWN where they've been living for FIFTY YEARS and have a ton of FRIENDS who would be more than happy to HELP them...) Anyway, she just sprung on them recently that the landlord is selling the place and has to kick them out in another two months, around the same time that my grandmother is supposed to have a hip replacement because she's living on pain pills right now. So thanks. Also there are some financial things that basically boils down to "she wants their money", which seems weird because she has so much already. I mean, if people in Boxford or Topsfield think they're rich, they should go to New Canaan.

Which I guess brought me to the other point. Basically the store kept the security tag on the dress I was going to wear, and since I didn't bring anything else, I had to wear Mum's clothes. Which would have been okay. But everyone in this town dresses like NYC during Fashion Week. I mean, I don't even know where you would buy clothes like these. Everyone had a designer bag, and I even saw a baby with Coach shoes. And I mean, everyone was wearing hats and silk gloves and super expensive shoes (you know those black high heels with the red bottom that are like $700?) and I saw someone in this long oriental silk coat that I think even Caius would have thought was a little out of his price range. So, of course, everyone looked at Mum and I weird because we weren't that, especially me with my mummy-clothes that didn't fit. (Even the church was crazy, though: the whole place was done in marble, they had more flowers than they could fit on the altar, there were at least 30 people in the choir, and they also had a seven-piece orchestra. Um... Can I go back to St. Rose please?) Hint: my grandparents live on the crumby outskirts of town, because they don't belong in New Canaan.

So yeah. Dinner was awkward, and my grandfather was being an asshole through the whole thing, and actually beforehand Mum said that we weren't going to stay for dinner and my grandmother burst out into tears because she didn't want to be left with him. She also said that she wishes the heart attack my grandfather had 25 years ago had killed him, because then maybe she would have had a chance to be happy. I also almost made Mum cry at dinner, because my grandfather was yelling and I stood up to him, and Mum thought he was going to throw his plate at me or something.

So I pretty much spent Easter morning bawling in the car. It was a great time. I also decided to stay home from school today, because not only was I afraid of randomly crying in the middle of class, but I also haven't slept for several days, since old people generally get up a million times a night to take medicine, and my grandfather isn't thoughtful enough to maybe stay in his room and watch tv rather than get up at 7 in the morning to thump around and clatter breakfast dishes everywhere.



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